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I'm So Fat D;
I try and try and can't lose much either! But I still love myself! I feel fit too

QueenOdi Wrote:Well, first off, I think you are adorable, based off your picture :3 . So don't feel like you look bad or anything.

As for how you feel, I cannot relate, but my youngest sister(who's going 10 Smile ) is having problems with her weight. But she loves herself, I mean, she used to cry a lot, cause kids picked on her,
-spooky voice-:But I set them straight(no pun intended Smile ).

Her dad bought her a bike and she rides it everyday. It was weird though, cause our mom is naturally thin, so is her dad, but it turns out obesity runs in her side of the family. The glands that control weight, were like on overdrive(meaning, she gained weight very easily). It'll probably settle once she's matured, but for now she's my perfectly plump chunky monkey :3 (been calling her that for 9years).

I hope you realize that you're beautiful no matter what anyone says. I hope your doing this for you and no one else and I hope for you to be where your happy. Everyone above me has pretty much said it all, so I'll leave you with this.

Kiss3 Bighug
Awe thank you so much, I'm in tears, that was so nice Smile CryConfusedmile:Cry

zeon Wrote:hello,
If your having difficulty loosing weight make sure you eat more fibre as this will help your bowels pass more frequently... Bran flakes a bowl of can be good for this... Try to eat five pieces of fruit a day and once a week keep a record of what your weighing and inside have a weight target that you want to achieve and in time your find that your hit this if you persist... If you have a nintendo wii this can help making loosing weight fun and more friendly... Some games id recommend for the nintendo wii

Wii sports, Just Dance (1,2,3) Bully (very physical demanding),

Maybe do half hours dancing a day or half hours playing a game and afterwards make sure to bathe as will open up pores in the skin giving it chance to breathe after building up a sweat... Overtime up the stakes to say an hour a day and make yourself more demanding

Kindest regards

zeon x
Thanks for the tips, I'll make sure to try these

Jay Wrote:I don't believe in dieting. I define diet as a short term goal that usually fails.

To be truly successful, you have to think long term. Your entire life basically. You have to reconstruct your lifestyle entirely. Have a healthy lifestyle from A to Z.

I can't go lengthy right now because I have to work.
oh my god I totally agree and I think that's part of why it's so hard to lose weight. Because, you try out a new diet and eventually give up, and then you're pissed at youself for doing so.

pridepancakes21 Wrote:Awe thank you so much, I'm in tears, that was so nice Smile CryConfusedmile:Cry

You're welcome :3
[Image: mwah1128529189114687500.jpg]

make huge pots of homemade soup

HollandofFrance Wrote:make huge pots of homemade soup

How does that help him to lose weight? I'm confused.


pridepancakes21 Wrote:I have been struggling with my weight for as long as I can remember and it really sucks. I need a strategy to lose weight, because everything that I have tried so far hasn't worked. No matter what the program promised, I couldn't seem to lose any weight. I really need your help.

First step, I recommend you to dissect your current dietary.

Grab a notebook and a pen. Record everything that you eat and drink for a week. Be honest. Jot down everything.

Candy, fast food, carbonated drink, sugary food, high carb and high fructose corn syrup stuff are typical suspects in weight gain.

Also do you exercise?

Let me introduce myself. My name is Jay and I was morbid obese. My waist was 64 inches. I weighted 363 lbs (165 kg). I am currently 165 lbs (75 kg). I have been maintaining this weight for almost 2 years now.

Dissect Your Lifestyle

First of all, always keep in mind that patience, will power, determination and discipline are the most important elements to achieve success in weight loss.

Get a small note book and a pen. Jot down everything that you eat and drink for a week. That's how you can evaluate and see why you are gaining weight.

Candy, fast food, carbonated drink, sugary food, high carb and high fructose corn syrup stuff are typical suspects in weight gain.

Also do you do exercise? Do you walk a lot?


The most effective way to lose weight and to maintain an ideal weight is by living a healthy lifestyle.
  • Always Keep on Moving. Always Find Excuses to Move.

    Often you hear people say that they don't have time to exercise, right? Well my office hour is 10 am - 6 pm (Monday to Friday). I often have to work late until 9 - 10 pm every day. I regularly have to work on Saturday and Sunday too (I'm a designer so I have to chase dateline).

    So how do I find time to exercise?

    I wake up everyday at 5.30 am and head to office at 6.30 am. I leave my house wearing my favorite old track suit and running shoes. I carry my office attire in my backpack. I take bus, follows with a train, monorail and 15 min walk to reach my office.

    I usually reach my office at around 7.30am. I rest for 30 minutes and then do a 30 min warm up exercise + light dancing in my office. Alone in my office. My boss and colleagues know my habit so they don't mind.

    I go for an hour run or stairs climbing (Ground floor to 30th floor) at 8.30am. I love running, stairs climbing and sweat. All these make me feel sexy.

    Our restroom has no shower. But each toilet cubicle has a water hose. I have a shower kit. That's all that matters to me. I take a quick shower before the janitor comes in to clean the rest room.

    If it rains in the morning, I just do my cardio exercise after work. I also do my weight lifting after work.

    To go home, I walk to the nearest train station. It takes around 30 minutes to reach the station. I can take a monorail to reach the train station faster but I don't want to. I still skip monorail even when it rains cats and dogs. I love to play with rain. Thunderstorm? Different story.

    I once walked from my office to my house without taking any public transportation. It took me around 2 hours to reach my house. It was fun and amusing. My friends thought I was insane though.

    I can't sit still when I'm at home. I'm a dancer so I love to dance my butt off for hours in front of a huge mirror.

    Also try to get enough of sleep everyday. This is very important.
  • Eat Well. More homemade Food. Less Junk and Manufactured Food.

    I always emphasize on eating healthy homemade food. I cook at home and I also often cook in my office. My boss doesn't mind. In fact, I cook for my colleagues and boss from time to time. I try to cook delicious healthy meal for them.

    Eat more good carbs and fiber. Instead of white bread, choose 100% grain bread. Try to consume more of brown rice instead of white rice. White rice lacks with many vitamins and minerals.

    I love to eat oatmeal. Oatmeal has been plastered as my daily breakfast since 2005. I also love to oatmeal when I don't have time to cook. I consider oatmeal as my fast food.

    I know everyone loves pasta but too much pasta can make you gain weight. So eat moderately. Use your fist to measure the amount of pasta you can eat at a time. Plus eat whole wheat pasta (Durum Wheat/Whole Semolina) instead of white pasta (Made largely from refined white flour).

    Eat a lot of vegetables. I like to eat my vegetables raw. That includes onion and garlic. Garlic and onion can give you a smooth glowing skin.

    No red meat. Eat more roasted meat. Less fried meat. If you want to fry, use safflower oil, sunflower oil, and canola oil. I use extra virgin oil if I need to fry (Once in a blue moon).

    Eat healthy nuts such as almonds, walnuts and pecans. You can eat them as a snack. Almonds contain a lot of antioxidants, such as vitamin E and selenium. Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids and a lot vitamins. Pecans are also a great source of essential vitamins and minerals. I like to add these nuts into my salad. My friend claims nuts are fattening. Yeah, it's true. But these nuts contain healthy fats.

    I mostly drink water. I like to add lemon into my water. It gives my water more zest. If I want juice, I make my own juice from fresh fruits. I haven't touched carbonated drink since 2006/07. Oh yeah, I drink green tea. I drink coffee with one teaspoon of sugar from time to time.

    Extra virgin olive oil is crucial in my dietary. I use extra virgin olive oil for my salad and to cook. Extra virgin olive oil is rich with antioxidants like Vitamins A and E that can help to repair and renew skin. Ever heard of Sophia Loren? An Italian actress. She's in her 70s but looks radiant and youthful. She baths in extra virgin olive oil baths and also uses it as a moisturizer. Talk about hardcore olive fan.

    Just because I preach on eating well, it doesn't mean you can't eat chocolate, candy, ice cream and donuts. We are all humans and we all have guilty pleasures.

    I still eat at a restaurant with my colleagues and friends. But make sure you know what you eat and eat moderately. I do my best to avoid oily stuff. Avoid fried stuff particularly deep fried with all your might.

    I don't like candy but if you like candy, eat minimally. When I say minimally, I really mean minimally. Most people go overboard with it. You don't want to consume a lot of bad carbs containing corn syrup. Pick one day in a week to eat candy.

    I don't like candy but I eat dark chocolate from time to time. Dark chocolate is good for your heart. It can can help to keep your heart and cardiovascular system running well. It also acts as an anti-depressant (It contains serotonin). Sometimes when I'm under a lot of stress, I eat one small bar of dark chocolate.

    Surprise, surprise. I eat ice cream and cakes from time time. I'm not a fan of ice cream but I still eat it from time to time. Maybe once in a month or two months. Just for fun. As for cake, I don't want to ruin a birthday celebration. I eat a slice of chocolate cake and I don't feel guilty of eating it. Why? Because I know I will run my butt off on the next day. I'm not a fan of cake too.

    Say no to fast food that caters fried stuff like KFC and McDonald's. But if you still have to, it moderately. Pick fast food with the lowest calorie. Subway is tolerable but always check its nutrition content. Few Subway sandwiches are high in calories. Pizza is pretty much everyone's guilty pleasure. I'm not a fan of pizza but I do eat a small slice of pizza when my friends are around. I wasn't born to be a party pooper.

    My guilty pleasure is probably french fries. I like to serve frozen french fries to my colleagues and myself. Frozen french fries are not that good for health as they are saturated with vegetable oil (Palm oil mostly). The best way to even out its unhealthy side is by cooking it in a healthy way. I roast my frozen french fries with extra virgin olive oil. I don't fry them. Also do not sprinkle a lot of salt on your fries. I don't like to put salt on my fries. I like to eat my fries with chili sauce. Chili sauce already contains salt. My friends like to sprinkle a lot of salt on their fries though. So I usually serve two separate plates - one plate of french fries without salt and another one with salt.

I know it sounds too much to do. It looks like a hassle. Take one step at a time. You don't need to follow 100% of what I do. I'll continue tomorrow or some other time. I'm too tired.


Start gradually and slowly. I don't recommend anyone to do a 30 min to 1 hour exercise on his/her first day of exercise. Simply because you will shock your body. You will also end up having a lot of body sores. Next thing you know, you will give excuses to skip exercise on the next day to rest. Then you will skip another day because your body still sore. And then another day and so on. You will eventually forget to do exercise.

Start with a 10 min exercise on the first to two weeks. Gradually add another 5 minutes in each week.

Brisk Walk/Power Walk

I wasn't able to run when I started out due to my heavy weight and injured leg. So I relied mostly on brisk walk and light weight lifting.

I only did a 10 min brisk walk on my first two weeks. I then gradually added another 5 minutes in every week. My body slowly grew stronger in each week. As I grew strong, I elevated my brisk walk to power walk.

Brisk walk is walking at a speed faster than everyday normal walk, but still at the comfortable range. Power walk is walking at a speed at the upper end of the natural range.

Just like other types of exercise, brisk walk can help you to reduce the risk of getting heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other killer diseases. Exercise in general also helps to improve your mental health.

On your first day of exercise - Walk (Normal walk) around a park or your neighborhood for 10 minutes. Continue to do this for a week or two weeks. Elevate the speed to brisk walk on the third week.

Remember to do warm up exercise before you start out.

Listen to your Ipod or MP3 player whilst exercise. In this case, walking.

I did my brisk walk in early morning. Around 6.20am. I wanted to avoid people at the time as I was a really huge guy.

Another reason was because I like to mix dancing here and there whilst brisk walking. I always imagine myself filming a musical number. So I was Fred Astaire dancing and walking in a park.

These walking plans were prepared by a personal trainer named Lucy Knight. I didn't follow her plans. But her plans almost resemble to mine. You can use her plans as guidance.

  • Monday to Saturday: Walk ten minutes at a moderate pace.
  • Sunday: Walk slowly for 20 minutes.
  • Monday: Rest
  • Tuesday to Friday: Walk for 25 minutes at a moderate pace one day, 30 minutes the next.
  • Saturday: Walk 20 minutes fast.
  • Sunday: Walk 45 minutes at a moderate pace.
  • Monday: Rest.
  • Tuesday to Friday: Walk 45 minutes at a moderate pace one day and 50 minutes the next day.
  • Saturday: Walk 50 minutes at a fast pace.
  • Sunday: Walk 60 minutes at a moderate pace.
If you want to speed up your calorie burning, add hills to your walking route.

How to Power Walk


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