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I'm So Fat D;
QueenOdi Wrote:How does that help him to lose weight? I'm confused.


Sorry to answer someone elses post, but I think he means, make pots of healthy low calories soup ( lots of veges etc) and eat it instead of eating other high calorie food.
or, eat that soup first before your meals so that you already feel full and not eat too much of the other food.

I would like to share something that I'm very proud of.

I always keep in mind, take care of your body and your body will take care of you in return.

Last December, I had a massive surgery that went for 7 hours. The surgeons had to cut my abdomen. They sliced my waist all around. Then they stitched it back.

My body was attached to a few tubes. Two on each side of my waist. One on my left arm. Another one on my right arm. One of those tubes connects to this 'hanging pocket' containing Morphine. Press a button and I will get Morphine.

My surgeons told me to use the Morphine every 5 min. They thought that I was going to be under a huge pain. I thought so too.

Hours passed by. Days passed by. I didn't use the Morphine at all. I wasn't in pain at all.

The surgeons were shocked. Hell, I was shocked too.

Another thing is I wasn't actually allowed to run and do heavy weight lifting for 6 months. But I went back to running on my fifth week (First day of the second month). I already started to do heavy weight lifting again. My main surgeon knows about this. He gave me a green light.

I hope my body will continue to take care of me.

Eat less and/or exercise more - It's not rocket science.

I have been overweight most all of my life, made fun of, etc... I finally got so angry enough with myself that I have lost 25lbs since new years... I've been using the LoseIt app and it has really helped me track my calorie intake and the community has helped keep me on track... PM me if you want to add me on there and we can help keep each other on track! Good luck getting in shape!!!

keep it up jp Smile

jp2012 Wrote:I have been overweight most all of my life, made fun of, etc... I finally got so angry enough with myself that I have lost 25lbs since new years... I've been using the LoseIt app and it has really helped me track my calorie intake and the community has helped keep me on track... PM me if you want to add me on there and we can help keep each other on track! Good luck getting in shape!!!

Congratulations are in order.


Jay Wrote:Exercise

Start gradually and slowly. I don't recommend anyone to do a 30 min to 1 hour exercise on his/her first day of exercise. Simply because you will shock your body. You will also end up having a lot of body sores. Next thing you know, you will give excuses to skip exercise on the next day to rest. Then you will skip another day because your body still sore. And then another day and so on. You will eventually forget to do exercise.

Start with a 10 min exercise on the first to two weeks. Gradually add another 5 minutes in each week.

Brisk Walk/Power Walk

I wasn't able to run when I started out due to my heavy weight and injured leg. So I relied mostly on brisk walk and light weight lifting.

I only did a 10 min brisk walk on my first two weeks. I then gradually added another 5 minutes in every week. My body slowly grew stronger in each week. As I grew strong, I elevated my brisk walk to power walk.

Brisk walk is walking at a speed faster than everyday normal walk, but still at the comfortable range. Power walk is walking at a speed at the upper end of the natural range.

Just like other types of exercise, brisk walk can help you to reduce the risk of getting heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other killer diseases. Exercise in general also helps to improve your mental health.

On your first day of exercise - Walk (Normal walk) around a park or your neighborhood for 10 minutes. Continue to do this for a week or two weeks. Elevate the speed to brisk walk on the third week.

Remember to do warm up exercise before you start out.

Listen to your Ipod or MP3 player whilst exercise. In this case, walking.

I did my brisk walk in early morning. Around 6.20am. I wanted to avoid people at the time as I was a really huge guy.

Another reason was because I like to mix dancing here and there whilst brisk walking. I always imagine myself filming a musical number. So I was Fred Astaire dancing and walking in a park.

These walking plans were prepared by a personal trainer named Lucy Knight. I didn't follow her plans. But her plans almost resemble to mine. You can use her plans as guidance.

  • Monday to Saturday: Walk ten minutes at a moderate pace.
  • Sunday: Walk slowly for 20 minutes.
  • Monday: Rest
  • Tuesday to Friday: Walk for 25 minutes at a moderate pace one day, 30 minutes the next.
  • Saturday: Walk 20 minutes fast.
  • Sunday: Walk 45 minutes at a moderate pace.
  • Monday: Rest.
  • Tuesday to Friday: Walk 45 minutes at a moderate pace one day and 50 minutes the next day.
  • Saturday: Walk 50 minutes at a fast pace.
  • Sunday: Walk 60 minutes at a moderate pace.
If you want to speed up your calorie burning, add hills to your walking route.

How to Power Walk

See to an extent I agree with what you are saying but having joined a gym ages ago and working with trainers etc, it may sound harsh but I believe if you don't sweat or feel pain or muscle acheh you aren't working hard enough lol If you are young and overweight there is nothing stopping you from literally running your ass off although caution may be followed if you are significantly older. I dunno having gone back to university I do fall into bad habits and have put 5 pounds on from my typical training weight but due to the fact I do 5:30am - 11pm days it's expected. I know what I will be doing once I finish my degree. Absolutely butchering the gym hell for leather. Lol but saying that my body is more used to extreme workouts having done weights and martial arts training. The moral of the story is I'm so much better of now when I was a right overweight sod when I was 16, and by locking weight u will feel better.

mrk2010 Wrote:See to an extent I agree with what you are saying but having joined a gym ages ago and working with trainers etc, it may sound harsh but I believe if you don't sweat or feel pain or muscle acheh you aren't working hard enough lol If you are young and overweight there is nothing stopping you from literally running your ass off although caution may be followed if you are significantly older. I dunno having gone back to university I do fall into bad habits and have put 5 pounds on from my typical training weight but due to the fact I do 5:30am - 11pm days it's expected. I know what I will be doing once I finish my degree. Absolutely butchering the gym hell for leather. Lol but saying that my body is more used to extreme workouts having done weights and martial arts training. The moral of the story is I'm so much better of now when I was a right overweight sod when I was 16, and by locking weight u will feel better.

I originally was going to do few follow up posts to brisk walk. I was going to suggest him to run, join gym and maybe take a dance class too as I do these three myself. But I decided not to. I prefer not to elaborate.

But I concur what you've pointed out, mrk2010. Join a gym and hire a trainer. No pain, no gain.

Good luck, pridepancakes2.

Jay Wrote:I originally was going to do few follow up posts to brisk walk. I was going to suggest him to run, join gym and maybe take a dance class too as I do these three myself. But I decided not to. I prefer not to elaborate.

But I concur what you've pointed out, mrk2010. Join a gym and hire a trainer. No pain, no gain.

Good luck, pridepancakes2.

Tbh I often think There is no need for all these expensive clubs and gyms sometimes, just go for a run it's free and bound to get you sweating lok :biggrin:

When I graduated from High School I weighed quite a lot. However I decided to try one very simple thing that actually worked. I lost 12 kilograms which is about 26-27 pounds in a couple of mounths. Now I've lost even more and have become underweight but eh...that's not really important.

What I did to lose weight was very simple, something that people often discard and underestimate.

Step one: I decided to only eat when I needed to. That lead to me eating three times a day, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. NOTHING in between.

Step Two: Have three certain hours set in stone. Eventually they will become a habit. While they of course need to be slightly flexible depending on what reality throws at you, having set hours that you try to keep to the best of your ability is VERY important.
The reason for this is because you will train your body. Your body will memorize those hours and start a metabolism process during those hours and it helps a lot. For example, I eat at 9 o clock, half past 12 and finally 6 o clock. Because of work those hours can be postponed about a half hour from time to time.

Of course, you do not need to have it three times, you can have it four times if you wish, whatever you are comfortable with and as long as you're loosing weight in the process.

Step Three: Be as active as you can. This doesn't require you to go to the gym. I for example stopped taking the buss and used my legs to transport myself wherever I wanted to go. I walked to school every day for example, took about 30 mins.

These are three very simple steps that most people just throw aside because they have either tried and it didn't work or they just think that it sounds too easy and dumb to work, but I am living proof that it does.

For this to work however you really need to be diciplined and hard on yourself. Those set hours need to be followed and you need to be active. Of course you need to think about what you're eating as well.
Personally I SAVED money doing this. I used to buy candy and eat out all the time, but through this process you eat 3 times a day and if you ever need to spend money on food it is only for those three times and nothing in between. While many that I know SPENT money to lose weight through programs or other things that orginazations offered, I saved money because I decided to lose weight on my own.

I don't know...perhaps this doesn't work for everyone, but trying for a mounth or two might be worth a shot. This worked for me and I dun think that I am the only person on earth that it'll work for xD

And also, this isn't something simply short term. Personally this refuses to leave me. I have to eat during my set hours (or close to them give or take an hour), and I can't eat candy or sweets anymore, I just don't seem to like it. Sallads and healthy food has become something that I truly do enjoy to eat and actually prefer. Being active has also become part of my life and something that I love doing, seems like eventually, if you're really serious, your entire lifestyle will change along with your decision.

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