I think people must think things through when it comes to having a sex change operation. l often suggest to people to reasearch all relivant topics relating to this such as the rating of the clinic where it is being done, previous reviews and so on. Also find out if they offer the help and support.. It is understandable the some people will find it difficult to adjust because they hjave lived a life as a male and grown up as a male and suddenly changed into a female because they need to break free and be themselves however i think alot of them dont take into account the cost to the sources in society if not self funding and it should be stipulated that if you change you cannot change4 back for 10 years.. This would then make peoploe think more about whats what and save NHS money
kindest regards
zeon x
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I think it's fair to say this gentlemen is rather radical in his views and that I for one will be blocking his posts as I don't wish to read his bull any longer. I just think you are trying to come up with controversial topics and give us radical views to annoy us. I would like to say we as an online community are very supportive and we stick up for each other and help each other out. I just think you are a troll who has outstayed his welcome and has abused the good nature of many online members. Yours is a path full of hate and self loathing and I have no sympathy for you or other people like you. Anyway the moral of the story is that you are now blocked. *presses block and says hello to a gayspeak without hate filled posts*
it seems so sad
theyre humans -i wish them well and hope they find peace
Well, in general, Holland, I thank you. That was a topic I had wondered about since I first saw the movie Transamerica, which deals with how difficult a choice it is to go under the knife. I am glad to see trans people rarely regret their decision to transition fully. 1 in 20 is a small number, especially when you consider how rare the operations are to begin with.
I have long been a supporter of trans rights. And the article only strengthened my resolve to support them.
And, yes, some people on here have double standards. Recently there was a thread on GS that, though it did not say it, was directly pointed at attacking you and your beliefs. I believe in free and open discussions, and I believe people should have the right to freely express themselves without being swarmed by a bunch of personal attacks. Though, it can be hard at times to stay calm and level headed when an issue you care about deeply is being attacked. I personally struggle with this very thing. I have seen you struggle with it too. And, as we can see, many on this particular thread have shown that they struggle with it too.
I have disagreed with you many times Holland, but that doesn't mean that you do not add another dimension to GS. You challenge the conventional thinking of the GLBT community, and people do not like to have their ideas challenged, especially when they are so connected to the issue. Never the less, there is always value in questioning precepts, even those of minority communities. Don't let people's knee jerk reactions on hot buttoned issues drive you off.
Remember what Jefferson said, "Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call to her tribunal every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear."
well thanks i , ive been having thoughts of deleting my account here
i wonder why they just dont skip past the post rather than the vitriol
santorum makes me so sick im repluctant to say i might vote for any republican
I believe in free and open discussions, and I believe people should have the right to freely express themselves without being swarmed by a bunch of personal attacks.
I believe in free speech as well...I dont' ever remember giving anyone an infraction or telling anyone they are not free to say what they think....but using your own example to generalize other people's responses to someone else as appropriate or inappropriate is basically an example of the double standard you refer to. If it is OK for HOF to say what he wants it is equally OK for anyone to respond ...or not... in any manner they wish. Free speech works both ways.