Reincarnation is an interesting subject. Some believe , some don't and others want to believe... Basically according to the reincarnation theory we come back in life and live many lives to fulfill our karma. Which karma we carry to every life. There are religions that support that idea. Hindu if i am not totally wrong supports this theory. Some people say that they have recollection of a past life. they sometimes come with a name and an address and in some cases have been confirmed from to be valid!!!
What you make of this theory? Do you believe is possible? I kind of do to be honest and believe in Karma as well, has always fascinated me.
I personally believe in reincarnation, but i also believe new spirits come into the world as well, not everyone is reincarnated and also not everyone remembers parts of there past lives. I myself believe that in my past live i died in a fire because even in the darkness if i close my eyes or even keep them open i see orange flames around me, im also a bit unjust when im near heat as well!
Their could merit to the theory. I would never muck about with Karma.
When I moved to Tokyo I had zero culture shock. I really didnt understand what the concept was of culture shock.
A number of friends moved over after learning of my experience. ALL of them had huge culture shock. One, for about a month, couldnt make it thru the day without making an insanely stupid mistake. He told me of one day where he had finally made it thru the day without a mistake. He got off the train and walked down the stations long steps. He was so proud of himself making it thru the day without a mistake... as he was giving himself a self-congratulations he noticed the large trash bin and thought it a great idea to throw his train ticket into the bin! He gets to the ticket taker and realizes that he just threw away his ticket! Poor guy took a few more weeks to get thru a day without making such silly mistakes...
I was told that I felt most comfortable in Asia because I was of Chinese royalty, hehehe!!! I guess I must have done something really horrible to be re-incarnated as an American, LOL.
When I was in high school or so, I used to believe in reincarnation. I thought it was an interesting concept. I don't think people get reincarnated. You live one life and then that's it. Like I said before, there's unexplainable stuff out there in this universe. Perhaps reincarnation does in fact exist.
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Well i don't mind if it does exist. I mean it doesn't change how i am going to live my life.

It'd be nice to think there isn't just this one life, then its Game over.
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
I hope reincarnation isn't true. Cos I heard you can come back as fly or something. I don't want that.
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Cutieboy Wrote:I hope reincarnation isn't true. Cos I heard you can come back as fly or something. I don't want that.
Well as long as your not an A-hole in your life you should be ok.:tongue:
But then, how would you be judged when your that fly?
What could the fly do which would consider him good enough to be a goat next time?:confused:
Maybe i'm thinking into this too much?:tongue:
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
You may thinking into it too much. I think I am too lol. I should be safe. Perhaps I'll come back as a human, if there is another life.
Well, I'm a Buddhist and a part of the Buddhist religion is reincarnation.
One time when I came to a Buddhist meeting, I saw a woman that I was convinced that I should know. I was convinced that she was a teacher in a grade-school, but I still couldn't quite place what school it was.
I found out later that she's a collage teacher, and didn't know anybody in that school or ever had. I had most likely never seen her. She didn't remember ever having seen me before, and I have a quite rememberable look. Some people in my Buddhist group suggested that we'd known each other in a past life.