jimcrackcorn Wrote:I watch this soap everyday on Youtube. Last week, Will kissed his first gay guy!!! WOW....
Here's the scene where Will did the deed.
I try to watch every day, 2pm sharp :p .
I saw that and I was like "ohhh Will is so bad" lol. And then his mom brought her drama, just as he was telling his grandma!

I so think Will and Sonny are going to get together. I feel the chemistry going on there :biggrin: .
@East- No, she doesn't know. She just cheated on Rafe with EJ, cause she thought her son was dead(youngest son) -.- . Rafe found out and went ballistic on her and EJ.
Will knew, cause he walked in on them and then he said he hates her and never wants her to be apart of his lfe.
When Rafe found out, he went straight to EJ's house and punched him in the face and than told him that he knew. At the time, EJ was proposing to Nicole (again x.x) and she was about to say yes until she heard what Rafe said. Needless to say she was mad. She just found out she is pregnant with EJ's child last episode. So drama! :3
@Rainbowmum- I think that may be General Hospital. These guys don't die (atleast not yet >

@Scotty- Probably, cause he likes Drama, little does anyone know :p.