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Desmond's new theory on causes of male homosexuality
[img2=left]http://www.gayspeak.com/forum/images/news/thenakedman.jpg[/img2]A new book by a well-known British academic suggests that some men are gay because they don't break with other boys during childhood and retain some of their juvenile characteristics when they become adult.

In The Naked Man: A Study Of The Male Body, Desmond Morris questioned why "a certain percentage of adult human males, with or without the approval of society at large, find members of their own gender attractive."

His answer is that it happens for social reasons, therefore discrediting any "gay gene" theory.

But he also changed his previous theory that people would become gay because of the lack of absence of a father or a male role.

Comparing experiences of young heterosexuals and homosexuals, the best-selling author believed that the main change would happen at the pubertal phase.

At about the age of five, sexes would draw apart and a boy would play only with other boys, a phase that: "will last about ten years, during which time he will be going through an intensive educational period, programming the amazing computer inside his skull."

For many boys, with the flood of sex hormones during puberty the interest in girls would suddenly rise.

But not for others, because according to Morris "they get stuck in the stand-off phase, and stay there for the rest of their lives."

During the ten-year learning phase, male-to-male attachment would become so powerful for them and "if there are any special social factors adding their weight at this point, the break can be thwarted."

Morris suggests that some gay men may have had unpleasant experiences with girls during the stand-off.

"Or he may have found the boyish sex games that are so common in the stand-off phase to be particularly exciting and this may have fixated him on other males as sexual companions.

"For him it is impossible to make the switch because he cannot bear to leave behind what he had before."

He concluded that men are "made gay" because they keep juvenile characteristics when they become adult, what is known as "neoteny."

The 79-year old zoologist and anthropologist also said that gay men tend to be more creative than heterosexual as "the playfulness of childhood is continued into adulthood," which he claims explain why so many artists and creative people are gay.

Morris is best known for his series of "popular science" books in the 1960s and 1970s, such as The Naked Ape.
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It amazes me how many people are still trying to come up with an explanation for being gay. Its not a new phenomenon, its not unique to any one society, its not even unique to our species, and yet people can't get that its a normal occurence just by observation. Just goes to show how dumb smart people can be sometimes.

ardus Wrote:It amazes me how many people are still trying to come up with an explanation for being gay. Its not a new phenomenon, its not unique to any one society, its not even unique to our species, and yet people can't get that its a normal occurence just by observation. Just goes to show how dumb smart people can be sometimes.

boy, you can say that again Talker

I use to do magic shows as a teenager and educators were the easiest to fool as they were always looking for the most complex method instead of the easiest.

My favorite writer, William S Burroughs, suggested that it was a way for nature to control the population numbers. I dont know if that was his original concept or not. But as the population grew he noticed the percentage of gays would increase. Now we just have never ending wars.


I like how he's just conveniently forgotten to put in his book that some men just GENUINELY prefer cock !!


Seriously guys - I agree with both of you, why do we need to be explained ? It's in the nature of humans to want to understand the bear's (or is it badger's ?) arse of everything, but that's not to say everything needs, or even HAS an explanation.

We are the way we are - who CARES why. To delve into THAT suggests an interest in mastering and being able to change it, and I'm happy the way I was made, thanks very much !!

!?!?! Shadow !?!?!

"Or he may have found the boyish sex games that are so common in the stand-off phase to be particularly exciting and this may have fixated him on other males as sexual companions.

wot is a boyish sex game?

shadow Wrote:Lol2.

Seriously guys - I agree with both of you, why do we need to be explained ? It's in the nature of humans to want to understand the bear's (or is it badger's ?) arse of everything, but that's not to say everything needs, or even HAS an explanation.

We are the way we are - who CARES why. To delve into THAT suggests an interest in mastering and being able to change it, and I'm happy the way I was made, thanks very much !!

!?!?! Shadow !?!?!

This is exactly what irks people so much about Quantum Physics! It's the things that simply can't be explained, like how light is both particle and wave, how Plank's Constant screws up what should be a normal pattern!

While it's great to learn things about stuff, there's a point when we can't understand. That's just that! I agree with Shadow in the fact that human-kind just needs to shrug and say "so it goes." There are some ideas that just can't be completely understood! *cough cough afterlife cough*

As for the theory: I'm just going to call it senseless and still just a theory, and I agree with everyone who's posted so far. I guess it's just part of this massive 'enlightenment' that we've got it so drilled into our minds that there must be a complicated pattern in everything. One plus one must equal two, but is there any way I could arrive at the same equation with a different outcome?

(Mwahaha... paraphrasing other's words in my own might actually make me sound intellegent!):tongue:

Being gay is just an anomaly in the equation of life. Probability is all it really is. There is always going to be some outliers to everything. I think my chemistry teacher explained how the universe works best, last year during a quantum physics class:

Shit. Happens.

Unfortunately for Mr Morris, I don't recognise myself in anything described here. So what is it to be?

As for the demographic suggestion made my Mr Burroughs, is that why some people have children before realising they are gay? Hardly a way to curb the population census.

(baffled) PA

didnt "the experts" who funnily enough are probably all str8...(fucking dumbass str8 people) say that homosexuailty was caused by natural selection?

It only happens in social groups like a pod of whales, or a flock of birds and most importantly human society. i believe there was a case study involving a group of dolphins. how the alpha males kept killing each other because they were always threatend by other males (again stupid heteros).
Anyway the males kept killing each other because they were threatened and they didnt want any other males breeding with "their" females. so they fought to the death...and gasp shock horror they killed each other before any could breed with the females, leaving the dolphin population decline coz no one was getting pregnaunt.

mother nature jumps in creates a more passive, less threatening male (us gays) and they alphas werent threatend therefore they shaged their women with no need to fight to teh death, as a result they prologoned dolphine species.

this was also reported in primates which are only an evolutionary step down on the ladder from us.

also i dont think its a considence that there is a higher percentage of "white gays" than any other, and isnt it true that the "white male" is the most destructive force on this plannet...there more likly to be serial killers, rapist and phedophiles, which police already have profiles for.
but isnt it true that they are more likely to cause wars and shit. so really its the dolphin situaton again, mother nature sees man destroying itself so decies so create a softer, gentler, passive male whch wont go out killing each other.

smart bitch. anyway im rambling, ill stop now.

There are a lot of theories. Physiological and social, and a bit of both. I'm a social constructionist (all you IT/chem guys can cringe now) which means that I would argue that sexuality is something that we learn, and which becomes ingrained over time. Anyway, I'm also curious why there can't be more than one cause for gayness? Why not two or even ten different reasons for similar behaviour? After all, not all gays are the same.

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