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Hey guys.
Yesterday, while working at the Zoo, a friend/co-worker and I were closing up some exhibits and we happened upon a little Marine Toad! :eek:
They're fairly common here, but where we found him was what made our eyebrows shoot up. He somehow got into a
locked pump room.
Anyway, I went to give him to the guy who's in charge of us, but he didn't want it and told me to put it in a box so they can euthanize it...
I picked the box up and practically ran home with him :tongue:.
For some reason, I just couldn't let it happen...
So I brought him home and now Trevor is sitting in his water-bowl, looking all dignified with his head held high

These Toad's Bufotenin[poison] is pretty potent and is a Class 1 Drug in Australia, next to heroin and Marijuana, so handling has to be gentle, lest you scare one and make it excrete poisons.
They only ever do it when really really scared.
Also, another interesting fact; They are the only or one of the only Anurans[Frogs/Toads] to be able to eat both live and dead matter, as well as plant matter, so they're one of the least pickiest eaters.
They eat;
Dog/Cat Food
Vegetable leftovers
Carrion[dead animals]
Mice[Pinky Mice]
Other Frogs/Toads that are smaller
And pretty much anything else that can fit into their mouths.
But besides all that, I find them to be really cute. Not as warty as most people assume.
and no;
You cannot get warts from a Toad, just by touching it.
Anywho, here he is. I didn't take to many pictures, because he was napping

. They are Nocturnal and Diurnal.
Him in the water-bowl. They drink through their skin, so he's drinking.
Not the best set-up right now, but I'm getting there. The Pot is for him to hide in, if he feels scared or stressed.
A common misconception with Toads is; if you pour salt onto their backs[which is actually painful to them], that they will die.
Well, with this specific Species of Toad, they pretty much swim in Brackish Waters with no difficulties, as they are able to tolerate a Salinity of about 40% in their water. So salt hurts them, but it doesn't kill them, atleast right away.
I do not recommend pouring of salt on any Toad/Frog, as it is quite inhumane and is basically like pouring acid on a Human.
Lastly these Toads live from 15-20years in captivity, although they can live longer. A lady who's been working with these toads for years[and works at the Zoo as well], had one for nearly 17years. And they are quite active for Toads
