Pellaz is right that one's scent can be affected by their diet... for example those who ingest a lot of garlic tend to smell lightly of it, much in the same way heavily-intoxicated people have a tendency to smell of alcohol. However, there is definitely a strong component of scent which is made biologically, considering the main points where we sweat from are huge hormonal glands.
As to whether or not I 'sniff' people out... no, but trust me, if you pay attention you'll realize that there are friends of yours or houses you visit that have certain scents... and believe it or not, your brain recognizes them on some level... perhaps the smell of your house makes you feel relaxed and at ease.... or you're confused when you come home after a long while and your parents have started placing 'good-smelly-things' all over the house, so it doesn't feel quite like the same place anymore... they actually say that smell is very strongly tied to memory, and personally I know what that means... there's a number of smells which mean very specific things to me from throughout my life.
I can also think of off the top of my head more or less what women smell like (not very appealing, but not altogether offensive), what men smell like (often quite intoxicatingly sweet, and yes I suppose musky). I'd really recommend you think more consciously of your nose more than you rely on your eyes for a bit, simply for growing that sense more... simple mindfulness is the greatest teacher, so give your nose a break and see what it's actually capable of!!! :biggrin:
In direct relation to your question, I had this friends in school, who was a really good friend and he always had this smell about him, I loved it, and then I moved in with him for the summer... his whole house smelled like him!! It was amazing and probably a large reason why I had such a relaxing summer living there... he even handed a bunch of clothes down to me... they definitely smelled like him too... and it's been difficult washing them with time, because his scent slowly fades from them. I went back to visit about a month ago and as soon as I crossed the threshold I could feel the amazing feel of calm and pure relaxation just washing over me... all thanks to his magnificent smell... hehe

Lastly, I like this bit: "This, incidentally, is not in any way controversial for biologists," Hamer said. "It's completely expected from the basic tenets of biology. It's only controversial because of the social and political controversy over homosexuality." Because I've always felt, and I would say this forum gives evidence of it well, that we are born gay (to clarify this evidence I speak of is all the posts on 'well I've been interested in guys for years, but just been holding back'... as opposed to the lack of posts saying 'hey, I just decided to be gay what should I do next?')... and furthermore, no I don't feel that we exhibit homosexuality in childhood.. at that point there is either lack in sexuality (infantile) or overt sexuality based on hormones which I believe to be 'pansexual' in nature (puberty)) I think it only really clarifies itself through puberty.. and I for one am very excited to have been born this way.