schools here are under funded. Teachers get a big background check and the take home pay is half the amount street maintenance people earn. there is a teachers union but not effective. They have eliminated tenure and at a school the first 3 years the teacher's employ is really unstable, cut if funding or need changes.
big effort to just warehouse the students off the streets.
That's sticky.
Personally, I believe in giving people second chances and fair chances, because not everyone comes from "something" and some of us come from nothing.
But on the flip side, I don't know if I'd send my child to any teacher; Gay/Straight/Bi/Transgenered/Black/White/Latino/Male/Female or otherwise, If I knew they had a history in sexual exploitation(call it what you will). But then again, this too has another flip side.
If it were an elementary or even middle school, then I'd be cautious and wary atleast until I'm literally absolutely sure my child is safe, because like my mother, if anyone was to hurt my child/kids, then I'm going to jail for murder :| , she's always told me that (which is why I hide some things from her :p ) .
But if it were a highschool or college/university, then I wouldn't question it, because by that time, the kids would know right from wrong and would be able to handle themselves in tricky situations. None the less, I'd beat some ass if anyone touched my child, even if they were 90, I'd come back from the grave and zombie-eat their brains.
It's a very tricky situation, because I'm naturally a very protective and cautious person, I don't even let anyone insult or hurt my siblings, even though most of them are old enough to handle themselves(youngest is 7going on 8).
He may genuinely a good person, and if he is, then I wouldn't mind, but it today's society, safety and cautiousness is a must, because the world today isn't the same as when my mom or grandmother were growing up.
I'd say give him a fair chance, but if he F's up and touchs a child, send that douche to jail.
Sorry for my language, but we had a teacher like that, and he harrased a former friend of mine and actually made her believe that he loved her and she was whipped, until we told someone and got him arrested. He got out and tried to sneak back on campus to see her, but some of the guys chased him away. This was in middle school!!
Edit: And after actually reading the article :p , I believe they fired him, not because he was a gay porn actor, or even because he's gay, but because he's gay and you'd never know it. He looks, probably talks and walks and acts like a straight guy.
To them it can seem like a deception, and they'd rather a guy who swings his hips and is a hot flaming queen to show up to work, so they can deny him flat-out, because then they'd know, but since this guy doesn't seem like that, they probably thought "oh okay, nice muscular straight dude teaching math" when in reality he's a cock-sucking bear who loves other guys and they'd never know this, were it not for his porn career.
I think this is what has them mad, because they couldn't tell and discriminate on sight. They don't want a gay man who seems to be straight, secretly turning their students from the hetero-normative way of thinking and living.
This is why you won't see a queen teaching class or a butch lesbian with a rainbow tatooed on her neck directing band class.
They don't want to influence the children :|
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When I was in school I would have loved it if I had come across a teacher doing porn. Was kinda a fantasy of mine :redface:
His career will get a lot harder from here on out. Most students on hearing the news would most likely search for the video and within days he would be a joke amongst the students. If he did return, I think he would have to give out some harsh punishment to restore order in the class room. It sounds like an evasion of privacy to me.
I guess something like this raises as many questions as answers.
I guess it would depend how far in the past the porn career was.
Kids, students that find about the teachers previous career would hinder the teachers career in so many ways. Imagine if an attention seeking kid accuses the teacher of sexual misconduct, that teacher would find it very hard to defend himself as peoples minds would already be made up.
On the other side of the coin, the teacher has put his past behind him and it trying to do what is right for him to earn an honest dollar.
I have one leg on each side of the fence because I just don't know.
the US is inconsistent. Where i live there is a same sex marriage law preventing gay marriage. At the same time we have functional employment discrimination laws enacted. I dont know what the state of Florida has?
pedophile has noting to do with gay/ straight. different circuitry unless your catholic.
just read the article and deleted my first reply - bravo to the governing body to have him back as a substitute, a past in legal porn is obviously not a crime so his past should not be used against him - the good thing is he can give practical advice to on career choices that ohter teachers have very little idea on, if he's a good teacher then that will be he will do well in the class room - im sure he will get some stick off kids but is re instatement shows he wants that job and believes he will be a success at it
I worry about a lot of teachers, but he's not one I'd spend a lot of thought on. I can see his being teased being a problem, but it could also make him sympathetic to kids who get teased which I'd see as a good thing.
And it would be hard to tell people who did porn to "turn their life around" if their options on doing that (such as being allowed new careers) were severely limited (thus forcing them to remain in porn).
Most of all I'm amazed at how fast they were able to fire him given how hard it often is to fire teachers who actually molest children.