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lol, what?
Black holes don't explode. They dissipate.
http ://
and they do this because a particle and antiparticle spawn randomly next to the event horizon and only the anti-particle gets sucked in.
The effect? The particle zooms into space as the visible radiation... and the antiparticle lessens the black hole's mass by it's amount.
What does that have to do with free will?
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Free will exists, definitely.
Even if it may not be as "free" as some of us like to think.  mile:
While completely irrelevant to the topic, i do feel a very strong...oneness with the universe, being an atheist.
To think, everything in this universe is formed from the same basic materials.
I could have mater in me from meteorites, stars, planets, planetoids.
Even things more recent and close to home, like plants, animals, all of them break down to the same elements in the end.
While i'm terrified of death; and wish to avoid it for as long as possible, the idea that my molecular components will be used in many different things after my death brings me a little comfort. I will become one with the universe once again, so to speak.
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
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Personally not a fan of god or anything biblical related as it doesn't interest me. Always believed in science, you need to provide me with evidence god exists. I believe I respecting other peoples views and stuff but this is one of those topic I don't believe in.
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03-17-2012, 12:30 AM
(Edited 03-17-2012, 12:34 AM by Zet.)
I believe more in the Hindu version of god, that he is a shapeless mater of energy who has left earth to our hands and to out false gods we hold so dear, and that he is all but love. As we created us, he know our nature and does not to be worshiped and the only way to be respect "God" is to live the life he has gifted us with and just live in peace, love and harmony. As a god who designed us, would only be greedy if he only created us to his amusement and for us to worship, pray to him as it was indeed him that made us so imperfect in the first place and so is more likely to be the anti Christ then the god we think he is. Bible is nothing but a book created by man, Jesus was just a prophet, but although a prophet on vast unconditional love and harmony. But that is just my take on religion
Religion and politics have gone hand in hand through all of history, obviously its manipulated and is not what it once was.
Sometimes you need a bit of chaos in your life to be able to shrug off pitiful disdain about something meaningless.
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That is why its called faith
Sometimes you need a bit of chaos in your life to be able to shrug off pitiful disdain about something meaningless.
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I enjoy science, astro physics is one of my hobby's, still have seen things and had a dream that makes me believe there is more to this, Jim
I believe in science but I also believe a little bit in superstitions. I think they can co exists
I believe in both Science and in God - yep the God of the Bible.
I actually prefer the Old Testament God, He was hands on, wrathful, actually did the heavy dirty work of destroying the world, cities, judging people with all manner of horrors. Ah the Good old Days.
In truth I find the God of Evolution and Cosmology to be a far better God than the one of Genesis.
For Science its all about 'God said let there be light' There was a Big Bang and everything unfolded from that moment to now exactly as planned.
For Genesis, God said 'Let there be light' then spend the next 5 days toiling, having to take a day off because he got tired, then spend a few thousand years mucking around, wiping out the whole world because He got it Wrong, then having to pick a race to be His chosen, who mess that up, so He spends lots of time punishing them, They never actually get it Right, so He turns to His Son and says 'Son, its time you go down there, I'm through'. His Son goes down, gets Himself killed in a very horrendous way, and He high tails it back to Heaven promising to return - and as far as we can tell neither God nor is Son have placed so much as a toe on Earth terrified of the creation they have made. Two thousand years and no so much as a peep from Heaven.
Cosmology, science makes it all much simpler. Something started the big bang and everything has pretty much unfolded as it was supposed to. Granted we don't know what that really means, and we do know that there are many alternatives that could have happened.
I suspect that God is more or less interested in us for us, no need to change us since He knows that we will change ourselves... in time.