1. Andy, sorry for your loss.
2. Inchante, easy come easy go. Seemed like the kind of abrasive personality that makes a forum less attractive to visit.
3. when I opened page one of this thread my anti virus flagged up a trojan virus warning!
I have gotten a Norton Message everytime I have come here since last night...a Trojan Virus is blocked it says...I don't get it anywhere else. I will sign in again to see the exact message. I got it on both of my computers for this site only.
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Threads: 1,916
Joined: Oct 2002
I'm a : Gay Man in a Monogamous Gay Relationship
Thanks for the kind words of support everyone.
I've scanned the site using my own antivirus and popular online ones and all have come back clear/negative.
Closing this thread now.
Andy x
Note: No trees were destroyed in the sending of this contaminant free message. However, I do concede, a significant number of electrons may have been inconvenienced.