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Spent two years wandering about a boy and now it is at an end :/

So I am a bit depressed and sad about one boy, but in order to tell you the whole story, I want to rewind the tape three years ago. It was late April and I was a student in seventh grade in a prestige high-school. I was accepted in my current school a few weeks ago and as a reward my family decided to buy me a ticket and sent me to America for the summer of 2009. I was always socially awkward and never had a lot of friends, but those who I had were very good friends on whom I could always count. Anyway, so I flew to America, fell in love with how beautiful and gorgeous the USA is, and flew back to Sofia. Later in the month I went to school. It was a new school and I didn’t know almost no one, so that was kind of a fresh start for me and I tried to make more friends (which actually worked). And it was in those early days that I met one boy. I won’t say his name, but I will call him Alex. We struck a conversation, wasn’t a big deal, but I am pretty sure I made some good first impression. After a week or so, it turned out we were in one class. That certainly wasn’t a biggie. I noticed that we had a couple of common interests, but I was too busy being the calss fool to notice anything more. It was the following March that I got to know him much better as we had a major project together. And then it struck me that I actually liked that boy. I had never experienced such a feeling before. He just looked so beautiful and flamboyant, he had that unique exciting smell of a young man and he really changed me. I don’t know why or how, but he changed me. And being very very foolish, I didn’t think about it for very long and I told him that I like him. He decided that that was some joke and laughed. But that didn’t annoy me, I liked that he was having fun and that I was amusing him, so I would sent him kisses, hearts, or hugs on Skype and he would laugh the hell out of himself. But after a while the major project ended, we didn’t write to each other that often anymore and I cut the “joke”. But the joke stayed in my heart for the rest of the school year and then the whole summer. Next school year it turned out that we were again in one section. And joy oh joy, the “joke” was was even stronger. In the past time I had already accepted that I am probably gay and that sort of explained why I feel sort of disgusted by most girls. Anyway, so the school year proceeded and I really desperately wanted to tell him for serious that I like him, but having him talk to me, work on many new projects together, hitting each other with small paper balls during Chemistry class and helping him with everything humanly possible felt so good and I didn’t want to take the chance of losing our friendship. Around March 2011 we got to study “Catcher in the Rye” and I really believe that Holden truly loves Jane. And it was one day in English class that I said something (I really don’t remember what it was) about me, Alex and sex, so a few people childishly picked on me for a few days. Moving on, it was sometime in April that I got to talk about Alex with someone for the first time. He was a new, but already very good friend of mine with whom I didn’t fear to share anything. One morning he asked me “What do you want from him?” and I just remained silent and wanted to cry, but sort of controlled myself. I already knew what I wanted, but I knew it was impossible. I knew that Alex was the person who “changed” me, he was the person who somehow taught me how to live better and what is love (one-way love, but love nevertheless). I wanted to live forever with him because he was the person who made me really happy and he was the person who made me feel like as if I was blessed by the Gods when he smiled. As if that wasn’t enough, I got an iPhone for my birthday and Alex turned out to love iPhones, but not to be allowed to have one (I never got to know why). It was that iPhone that became constant source for even more talks and having fun together, for example we watched “Up” in Chemistry class, both of us had watched it previously, but God it felt good... Then he suggested we go out to watch a movie (must have been the happiest day in my so far life). The special day came and we went to watch “Bad Teacher” and then we went to eat in Downtown Sofia. Summer came after a few days and I pretty clearly knew things wouldn’t work out with Alex so I got myself registered in a dating app and one site and started one of the worst nightmares of my life. At first it was only nice and good looking boys, but then I started chatting with that boy, who turned out to be a grown man and finally he was treating me on the phone. The story goes on and on, but fortunately everything turned out ok and my parents didn’t make a big fuss about it. That was the time I forbid myself from ever entering a dating app or site, ever! During the summer I also had a small crush on another boy from the seaside, but things didn’t go any far either. So the Summer of 2011 ended as well and I went back to school, but I wasn’t in one section with Alex that year. In fact I was in a very bad section, but that didn’t spoil the things. At first I was too scared about the past problem with the crazy lunatic from the dating site, so Alex was the least of my problems. November came, the problems went away, and I decided it was high time to tell him how I feel. Everything went perfectly, right up to the point when some people who knew me came out of the blue, so I had to say “you are a very special for me person” instead of that I liked him so much. He got it all very calm and didn’t kick the bucket or something. Things continued just as fine, but nothing really changed. On Christmas I got to spent 3 days with one very cool boy in the mountains. We went skiing in the day and at night we would play pool till 2 am and drink half a bottle of whiskey. But I decided not to do anything, because I loved Alex and I wanted to be with him and no one else. Everything was as usual, till February when I decided that I want to go out on a date with a girl. The date went perfectly, I also bought her flowers for Valentine’s day, but while I was giving them to her I realized I want to be with Alex, not with her. And ever since that minute I had not said a word more than “Hi!” to her... The day was almost over, I didn’t know where to find Alex, so I created a Skype name called something like “I love you” and wrote him I wanted to be with him, how much I missed the fun time we had and etc. To that day I still have not received a response. But that wasn’t it, I asked him to go out, but it was then canceled because both of us could not make it, so I asked him on another one, but he was busy. Third time lucky I though, so I asked him to a prestige restaurant. He didn’t come. That was one of the saddest moments, but instead of being furious and giving up, I still tried to fight on, so I sent him a photo which said “Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about” accompanied with a brief text of how much I loved him, how I wanted only one chance, how much he meant to me and etc. Ever since that text, so that are eight days, we have not talked to each other. Today I got fed up with the silence and asked him if we could talk, he didn’t answer, so I was sitting with a friend of mine outside during luch, in the sun, when he came and started a brief conversation with my friend. After they ended their small talk I asked if we can talk, I was once more ignored. That was the time I got just too fed up with him. I know he was special, I know he means so much to me, I doubt that I will ever forget him, but with the least of self-esteem I have left, I want to put an end to that. Yes, I say that for the thousand and first time, but I mean it. I really wanted the things to happen with him, but if that is obviously not happening, then I will have to move on despite how much I don’t want to. My closest friends, who know about Alex, told me that I will find a much better one, so I believe that it would be best to forget about it all by having him substituted and that leads to the second question. If dating sites are a huge NO for me and I don’t know any gay boys, how the hell am I supposed to meet someone? I just don’t know how to do it, nor I know if that is indeed the right thing to do? So can you please tell me what you think, I will really appreciate it if you are honest of what you think. I really need a dose of honesty and reality because those dreams and fantasies have obviously drove me to a dead end.

Thank you sincerely for spending some reasonable time reading my story!

First, you are painfully and acutely human. As far as I know no cure for that condition has been found. Yet.

Second, paragraphs make reading lots of text far easier. Wink

What this boils down to is that you met a nice guy who played a game and when things got serious he ditched and ran because the game stopped being a game and became real.

He is, most likely, straight and thought you two where joking about, until you got all seriously and the 'joke' stopped being a joke. Unable to cope with this new 'reality' he did what many humans do - ran and hid.

If he is gay (or bi) he might be struggling with it and is at a time in his life when running and hiding seems like the only option open to him.

You and a few billion others on earth have had or are currently going through an unrequited love relationship. The subject is as old as humanity and there are many stories from all eras of human history that deal with the subject as the topic of the story.

I fear Alex is now a part of your life, forever. Well at least until you die an old man of 132 years of age on the beach next to your 3rd lover who you just spent 70 glorious years with. Ah yes I got my crystal ball fixed and decided to take a glimpse here. :biggrin:

He will be the ruler by which you will measure every man in your life here on out. When you do find potential men to date, somewhere inside of you you will be holding up different aspects of their personality against Alex's. Everyman you meet from here on out you will be looking for a bit of Alex. It happens to all of us, we meet or fall in love with that special person and they become our ruler by which we measure all others.

You are going to need to be aware of this and keep it in mind when you meet other men. Because this may set you up for falling for the same type of guy, more unrequited love because their personality and character, a reflection of Alex will most likely be a reflection of qualities that make it impossible for them to love you back the way you love them.

As to how to meet other gay men.

There is no one easy 'find a mate' place on earth. I met partners at work, at the library, at social places such as parties held by mutual friends and at A.A. meeting. I met guys who already had one thing in common with me - be it a job, or be it an interest in books, or be it that we found Sabria a really cool vampire woman and hung out with her or be it that we both were addicts working a program of recovery.

Most people have noted an interesting phenomena. When they honestly, sincerely stop looking for a mate suddenly potential mates start falling out of the sky. It seems to be a universal constant, a law of some sort. Wink

So this is what I want for you to do. I want for you to work on 'you'. Got any hobbies? find social groups that meet face to face in your are of mixed people - gay, bi, straight. If its woodworking that peaks your interest, maybe take a class. If you have been wanting to learn German or some other language, take a class. Do something for you and you only. At that class or in that club make friends with people. Don't stick with only finding gay friends, lots of interesting people in the world are (sadly) straight - We all can't be perfect. :tongue:

Even straight people will have a tendency to push you into the arms of others. The key here is to get a lot of know-who, meet people who most likely know other people. If you pick your friends carefully you will find that their friends (and potential mates) will share commonalities with you.

While you didn't have a two sided relationship here, you are in the rebound phase. As such you are not suitable relationship material for most people. In fact being in rebound you might make some lovely huge mistakes in choices of men that you would date that you will live to regret.

So take a year off from the whole "I must be part of a relationship" and focus on being 'me' - whatever 'me' is for you. Learn about you outside and beyond this love affair with Alex. Learn about the type of person you are, your individual needs and focus on those. Alex will become a memory and cease being such a terrible thorn in your side in as little as a year.

Unrequited love: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unrequited_love

I was in a similar situation in high school, I liked a guy, we became best friends, and he has basically shut down all communication four the last four years. I still love him, he was silly, fun, smart, and had that smile that makes you want to never say anything displeasing. I've accepted that I had to move on and live my life without him, but Boweyn Aerrow is right. No other guy has bothered to consider reaching that standard.

If, by some weird fate, you're reading this, I miss you and love you, Seth.

My heart on my sleeve for you, geno, the gravity of love is a fall few survive.

geno Wrote:... dating sites are a huge NO for me and I don’t know any gay boys, how the hell am I supposed to meet someone?
Love finds you in the oddest places so you have to be out there and want a relationship.

My partner was a one night trick and we both were cheating on our then partners.

everyone uses the interweb dating sites. You need to be clear what your requirements are but at the same time not be so restrictive and narrow that you sabotage the search from the start.

Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:It happens to all of us, we meet or fall in love with that special person and they become our ruler by which we measure all others.

So exteremly annoyingly true...

I have a guy that will stand out for ever in my life until the day I die. I think Alex will be like that for you too.

However, no matte how much you love this guy you just have to move on.

FYI, my mother met a wonderful man after she was widowed by my father through a dating site.
I think if a guy like you could be sitting around wondering how to meet people, why would other great men wonder the same thing and decide to go online?

Its not online dating that is corrupt. Merely the people who use it and the ones who are not prepared for it.

First I just wanted to thank all of you for the immense help and support that you all gave me.*

Second, I acknowledge the note that I should have used paragraphs and I can assure you that I will have it in mind the next time I am posting something Smile

Last but not least, I understand that Alex was a mistake, a beautiful mistake, I also realize that things will never work out between us, but deep inside me I really wanted it all to happen and the biggest problem is that I am still willing to make compromises and have that strong urge to call him. So far I haven't called him or anything, and I don't think I will. Instead I was thinking about that one boy to whom I had never talked in person, but I have seen a few times at school, so maybe I can just start a chat with him, but that is all a maybe.

After a week or so, there is a spring break in my country and I have already made sure that I will be going to the mountains for a week and I will be catching up on my Psychology AP preparation there. So, surely I will take a break from seeing Alex on a day-to-day bases and I relax alltogether. After that I will be joining a friend of mine at horse ridding and just maybe, I may be poping up to the lowland parts of Bulgaria to celebrate Easter with some of my relatives. And that all is perfect as it will be different than what I am doing right now (generally). However, maybe something that some of you had experienced as well, there is a problem about the visit to the relatives, because mine in particulour are extremely curious about my life and keep asking me whether I have a girlfriend. And those damn people don't take "no" for an answer. They would start giving me tips and everything, and that just annoys me a lot...

Anyway, *so I just wanted to thank you once more to all of you who were here for me, as on Wednesday, when I posted the post, I was so down on power and motivation, and all I needed was support that I am so thankful that you gave to me. *Also *in just over two hours a friend of mine and I will be taking part in a physics competition for models with our jet engine, so keep your fingers crossed and I will keep you posted for any updates Smile

ugh, don't even get me started on relatives and dating advice, my uncle keeps trying to hook me up with women he knows Sad so far I've been using the "I'm just too busy" excuse.

time heals all wounds, I never allowed myself to get that close to someone I thought might be straight but I still had some crushes and they eventually went away after school was over. once you get over this guy you will begin to see all the other opportunities with hot guys that are gay.

good luck with the competition Biggthumpup

Good luck with getting over it, Geno... Are you still seeing Ryan? (our SlipknottRIZZ)

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