So, for anyone who want to know how it went...
The night before, I went to sleep early, so I'd be fresh the next day. However, I've been fighting off a cold over the weekend, and have had this horrible cough that has made it hard to sleep. I was up the entire night, coughing my lungs out, and wondering why the heck my cold meds weren't helping my cough (turns out, the meds I was taking do not help with dry coughs).
Anyways, I ended up staying awake till mid-morning, when I was finally able to fall asleep from exhaustion, and only slept 4 hours before I had to leave to go meet him.
First, I'd like to point out that he knew I was feeling sick over the weekend, and I told him it might be better if we posponed things until I was feeling better, but I think he thought I was trying to blow him off, so he said it didn't matter.
We met up as planned, and it was strange. My shyness, and anxiety didn't really assert themselves. We ended up walking around for hours, with occasional rest stops, where we'd just sit, holding hands, asking each other questions, discussing the interesting Architecture we passed (we both love old-style architecture

.... it was great
Turns out, we have a whole lot in common: We both love to read, write (although neither are all that good). We also share each others taste in movies, and we are both fascinated by history, and of course, we both share an interest in architecture. Eventually, we stopped to get something to eat for supper, but the food wasn't really sitting well with my stomach, so I didn't eat too much, but it was my treat, and I didn't mind all that much. We pent another couple of hours sitting there just talking, and the time just flew by
I had to cut it a little short, cause of the fact that I was sick, and needed to catch my bus. We parted ways at the bus terminal. He went to catch the subway, and I got on my bus after a long hug.
We're going out again on Friday to see The Hunger Games. He's already seen it, but insists I need to see it. so that's the plan. I can't wait