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What's you best Doctor Who Story old or new?
I love the seasons with Rose and Samantha Jones. David Tennant was my favourite Doctor. My friend lent me her copies of the newer series with Matt Smith and I can't really get into him, I think I ended up passing out towards the end of the season he first came about.
Well I've only ever seen a few episodes of the old black and white first Doctor. But I've seen every episode of the 2005 reboot. Most multiple times.
So with my scant knowledge of Doctors 1 through 8, I'd have to say one of my favorites is the one where Rose and 10 are trying to protect the Queen of England from an alien werewolf. Mostly because Rose spends the entire episode trying to win her "We are not amused" bet.
Though plenty of Matt Smith's episodes are up there. The previous Christmas episode and Lets Kill Hitler spring to mind. And is it just me, or is Matt Smith one of the hottest doctors, I mean no Captain Jack, but still pretty hot, right?
Not really a fan... I prefer Star Trek!
However, some years ago as a member of a cult TV society, I went to a Doctor Who convention at Manchester Town Hall as a Steward/Security.
Over three days I had my eyes opened as to how truly sad some who fans can get. Sometimes it was impossible to tell if someone was man, child, woman or beast!
I discovered that Darleks (Spelling?) are operated by a guy inside the Darlek which separates in to three pieces so he can climb inside. An electronic voice changer gives that distinctive sound to the creatures voice but it seems that visibility inside the darlek is poor for the operator. One of them was one moment sailing across the floor and the next headed perilously close to the stone steps to the ground floor of the Town Hall. Manchester Town Hall is huge and built in the Gothic Revivalist style, so lots of intricate stone to break limbs on. I managed to stop it just in time but it would have been cool to see a darlek bouncing down the steps.
On the third day I go a request to attend Hospitality/Green Room where all the celebs waited until it was their turn to appear in the main convention hall. Jon Pertwee had done his slot and was ready to go back to London via Manchester Airport. I was asked if I would escort him to the airport which I was delighted to do. The people in charge of the convention said they wanted someone "Big and butch" to do the job - funny how flattery gets you everywhere!
I carried Mr Pertwee's bags from the Town Hall to his waiting car but he censured me mildly for going too fast for him down a set of broad but shallow stone steps. It seems he had always done his own stunts, his back was shot as a result and he wasn't getting any younger.
Jon Pertwee was dressed that day much like his on screen character in an elaborate flowing Edwardian Frock Coat and a shirt with sleeves trimmed with equally elaborate frills. He was a very distinctive and recognisable personality but loved it a bit too much as people looked in to the car and did a double take when they pulled up at the traffic lights and saw one of the most memorable Doctors sat in the car opposite.
A little later on ticket-checking duty outside the main convention hall I was approached by a rather portly curly red haired chap. I asked to see his ticket but was informed that the gentleman was actually Colin Baker. I was very polite when I said, "Could I see your ticket Mr Baker". The guy with him tried to explain again that THIS was Colin Baker. I really didn't a flying crap what his name was, I wanted to see his ticket. It had to be explained to me that Colin Baker used to play the Doctor and that he was due to go on stage in five minutes! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, well, why didn't you say so!!! Not my fault, I hardly ever watched the programme after Tom Baker (The guy with the scarf?) left the show. Still, he was very good about it and saw the funny side. I can't abide the whole "Do you know who I am" thing.
Peter Davidson was there, turned up at the last minute, didn't go on stage (that I recall) and charged £5 a time for his autograph! Mean spirited git! I think one of the convention organisors worked for HMRC/Inland Revenue and fixed it so that Mr Davidson would receive some snot through the post for undeclared income!
The irony was that my hotel was a stones throw away from the Manchester Village (Gay Quarter) and I was in absolute oblivion to the fact!
Still, good times.:biggrin:
My first Doctor Who episode was, in fact, the first episode of the 2005 reboot (but in 2008). Was up late one night, flipping through the channels, when I saw some mannequins going on a rampage. Just fell in love with the show after that.
'Blink' was a really good ep. The Weeping Angels..! Haha such a creepy and funny episode ;D
As for Matt Smith, meh. Like I said, not really a fan of him so I've kind of fallen off the Doctor Who fandom after they replaced David Tennant <_____< He's attractive and all that, but personality wise [as The Doctor] I kind of liked the fast paced David Tennant. Matt Smith gave me a brooding Emo-type Doctor, lol. They probably chose a younger actor to cater to a younger audience, like young girls who read Twilight.
Sorry for the Matt Smith bashing, I just don't like him.. <_____<
Nothing wrong with not liking Matt Smith, but I'd suggest giving him a chance. He's not really all that broody emo. He's more of a very tall child in this regeneration, except for some of the darker moments when it needs a stronger doctor he can get emotionalish.
That and I just love the River Song plotline which you miss if you skip Matt Smith, not to mention the return of the weeping angels in the Time of Angels. Not as freaky perfect as Blink, but still a very good episode that adds a lot to the angels.
^^Yeah, I've seen that season, I just didn't finish it til the end. I loved River Song when they met [when the Doctor was still DT] at the ep with the Library, ahh that was another good ep ;D