04-11-2012, 01:57 AM
Sequard Wrote:well i don't know him that good to ask hime but i think he just looks like a botttom idkthanks anyway. But i so want to hook up, i never have and kinda want it so badly, i guess it feels sooo goood, and when i say cute believe me it means he is a cutie pie, I am very picky
Looks can be deceiving. I can think of several couples I have met over the years where one would assume that the one who 'looks' like the bottom took the passive role in bed. The most extreme case of this was the swishy, tiny, very effeminate man who was in a relationship with this mountain of a man... While everyone assumed their roles, they laughed and right out 'corrected' this assumption.
If you pursue this relationship you are going to have to learn how to say what is on your mind - its called communication.