Ah, yeah, those are fun. Great for killing time too lol. Final fantasy is fun. They've got good stories to them and stuff. It's not soo much free roaming, but it involves a lot of ingame traveling and stuff like that. I'm not so great at explaining things so I really don't know what to say lol. But you should check one out, they're pretty fun. Some of them suck, but as a whole, the series is good.
Haha I know what you mean. I never have any motivation. It's probably the worst thing about me. Aww, I'd go with you, but I can't

haha. It's always good to go out and find something you are interested, whether it be something extreme like sports or scuba diving or mountain climbing or something small like reading or painting or photography or writing or just taking walks. It's always best to push yourself to do new things. Some stuff may get you frustrated or sad or hurt, but you can always say you've gone out and tried something new. You should learn to play an instrument. Im sure starting out will be boring as hell or annoying and frustrated, but after a few months you'll get a hang of it and you'll be proud to know how to play and you never know how good you can get. I'll tell you one thing, i'd love a guy who could play an instrument. Haha. It's a good way to get some stress out and stuff like that. But yeah dude, go out and try new things. If you like being on the internet and stuff and easy way to find something new or try something is to join a forum or a chat group specifically for it. People can be the best motivation sometimes. You'd probably be able to start out with other people and keep track of all your guy's progress and such. Just an example. If you like photography and easy way to get in that is start a group or a forum or something and play the picture game. What is the picture game you ask? It's pretty simple. You get a forum or a group of people and you start it out by naming something random that the rest of the group has to take a picture of. For example you can be like, "I want a picture of a little blonde boy holding a red ball." and then everyone has to go out and take their own picture of a a little blonde boy witha red ball. It's super fun when its something difficult. It's just a good way to get out of the house and take an adventure, even if it is around the town. You'll never know what you'll find or what lengths you'll go to get that picture. The person who gets that picture first has to then come up with a new idea. I dunno, i think its really fun and it gets you out of the house.
Ah, cool beans. My best friend's brother is going into forensics. He's all into it too. It's pretty cool stuff. Hope that goes well for you. Haha.
SkepticalBear Wrote:I'm honestly open to all kinds of games. My favourite have free roaming and RPGs. I love games like GTA or maybe Skyrim. Stuff like that. I never really like sports games either. Really boring to be honest. I never atually played Final Fantasy though. What do you do in there?
I need A LOT of motivation with stuff sometimes too. I have all this fat on me though so I guess that motivates me. I would go to the gym with a friend all the time as well but then we stopped going together for some reason. I'm super lazy though. I have to find some hobbies soon. I've always wanted to learn how to play the piano. But same reason as yours, lazy and need motivation. I love learning how to play though. Just seeing when all these talented people play nicely gives me the boost. I have lots of time on my hands though. My sister is soo into photography and traveling. She's went to a lot of places. Her pictures are really nice too. I want to travel though. I'd love to go to places and see all the nice stuff. But no money so I need to wait. I've been trying to get a job for a LONG time, but it's hard out there and they want experienced workers. I want a car really bad. I would love driving. I've seen the gas prices though and they're crazy
high compared to how it was back then. I'm not a fan of reading but the Hunger Games caught my eye, so I'm reading that now. Really good book to be honest. Movies are kinda bad these days so I don't watch much. I love the beach. Especially at night. I'd like to find someone to walk by there at night. I like getting the sun tans though. I can't swim at all. I just to the shallow parts. I've never been camping or hiking. I'm sure it'd be fun. I'm a junior in high school. I need to be a senior though, due to getting left back in 2nd grade. I'm good though. I'm almost done. I wanna either have a career in science. Specifically Forensics or law enforcement. I'd love to be a cop. I have my future somewhat planned.
Hey man. What's up?