Posts: 1,612
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Joined: Jan 2012
I'm a : Single Gay Man
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Just... Lol
Sometimes you need a bit of chaos in your life to be able to shrug off pitiful disdain about something meaningless.
Posts: 1,296
Threads: 77
Joined: Jun 2009
I'm a : Single Gay Man
hmmm, 3 tours of duty I could have got out of, guess I missed the boat, James
I don't remember anyone at the Pentagon in 1969 who wanted to protect me as a gay marine. They seemed anxious to send anyone with male genitals to Danang to be killed. A well placed baseball bat might make this asshole general remember to speak the truth. I remember the names of gay marines who are posted among the 58,000 names on the Vietnam Wall. I clearly remember French kissing and having great orgasms with other marines during the Vietnam War. They now pretend to care about me. Fuck you, that is bullshit. The Pentagon cares about benefits for generals and admirals. They don't care shit about enlisted men, gay or straight. Pentagon spokesmen are well paid asskissers who take sides with whoever they are told to take sides with. If facts were important to the Pentagon, the US would never have gotten a man killed since WW2. They fight as gangster politicians tell them to fight. Chuck Shumer, the senior Senator from NY. is the biggest defender of defense spending. Jeepers, guys, I wonder who owns defense businesses. I have a baptismal certificate, I don't own defense industries. I wonder who owns them?
Throughhout recorded history, gay men have defended every square inch of this planet. They fought for both sides. They died for both sides. No one ever gave a shit about getting soldiers killed. They butchered us like lambs at slaughter.
Alexander, the Great, was gay and he never gave a shit who he killed. Men make war. Men make piece. Male genitals make no goddamn difference. Guys are killed gay or straight with utter indifference. No Americans have protested the obscene waste of money since Reagan was elected. We spent 30 trillion dollars on defense and we feel more threatened than ever. If they spent that money on something useful, we would have full employment and a booming economy.
I pray every general, politician, media person drops dead. Without them we may try peace for a change. unfortunately, Wall St requires huge military spending to keep rich bastards rich. Hopefully, they will bankrupt the world economy and we can start over. I hope the bastards keep lying. Every day they bring us closer to the day of reckoning. I hope to see the end of the current world economy. It should be fun watching lying bastard generals being hung by outraged citizens. They need a good taste of what Hitler and Mussolini got.. Shoot them in their bunkers or hang them from lamp posts, sounds good to me. I would even pay to see it on television.
At 65, I will find it exciting. I feel sorry for younger guys who are worried about dying. Let's put on a really good show. Maybe we should nuke ourselves to please Wall St. It will be fun to see it end.