I think u should stay quiet at your church b/c what if something really bad happen to u (abuse, hang, shoot,...)
some old people is very very religious. I know it's hard to stay quiet but u still have someone who understand u. :biggrin: Everything's gonna be find
you forget your in Boise Idaho. I dont see how this is necessary or how it works in your best interest. I really think your wasting your time and or you have too much spare time and want the drama. Find another more progressive church that is ok with a gay in the congregation. You would get the supportive good will of the members.
but with the church thing:
-find someone in the same church, not totally vested and you can trust. Confide in them first and see how it goes. If all is good ... your going to do it; find another person, the local church gossip and tell him her your gay. Sit back and let the word gently slowly get around. Act as if nothing happened. Talk to the initial first trusted person to see how the church is taking the rumor/confession/truth.
You just kinda know. With my mom the last person to tell, I just knew when she started asking me questions about being gay as apparantly someone had told my father that I was (Still have no idea) and I took it as an opportunity to finally leave the closet.
I wish I could be that strong, Bowyn Aerrow.
Lee, I hope things will be fine for you no matter which path you'll decide to take.
I'm not 100% clear about some things you are saying. Is your church the core issue here? Do you still attend this church? Is the church clearly heterosexist? (google this word if you don't know it.) Or is the topic more about your learning to be more visible with your friends, generally. Or both?
Ok I guess saying ammo is a strong word to use,and a short way of saying it but I'm a person that studies things and when I get information and make my decisions based on what I read. So when I said ammo i met that if anyone brought up the gays bashing vs., which I'm sure they will I can bring up other vs as well to combat. Do I expect to win, no, but I have said my peace. I'm at the point that I can't live 2 lives anymore and be scared of what is going to happen if I turn this corner or turn that corner. I want to have fun and I want to support the gay community. Sorry if I relayed a different message then my first at tent.
The issue is that I can't stand holding a secret, I feel that ever time I'm around people that I know I can't be myself and I'm tired of living a lie. So if I had to leave the church which is a good chance that I will(99.8%) I do have 2 possible other church that I'm going to check out one is with a new friend of mine and the other is just a new church that is totally gay sort of speck for what I have heard. So I have not closed any door on church life.
The whole think is is I'm going to have to explain one why or another whats going on.
Hey, I just have a good iead for u
Why dont u creat a new thought about your life.
I mean confess to the church is dangerous and it stress u too much by not to telling the truth.
Here is how I solve the problem, I know this is weird but try to create your OWN perfect world in your imagination and tell someone about it (I want to be the first one to listen to your story) [try to be creative and expressive all of everything u wanna say, your feeling, words,...]. This way, you will find empathy and lessen your stress a lot. :biggrin:
Again, I know it is weird so try not to jugde me on my idea. thanks :biggrin: