Well my life is breaking. My grades are hideous because I just don't care and all hell is breaking loose with my father. I confessed to one of my ex-friends abusive mother which I'd stirring up even more hell. I've cut multiple times since my last post. My dad wants to help but makes me feel even worse about myself and discourages me even more which leads to me trying less and cutting more. I.. I'm suffocating in my own home being around my own fAmily and friends. Everything is just falling apart.
Burn in the righteous fires. To survive in nothing, you must be nothing. Unsated hunger of the void. Die today, live tomorrow.
I'll marry you for a day,
Love you for a moment,
But I'll cherish all those hated moments.
I'm sorry that your going through a rough time in your life right now. I don't know you, and I'm not going to pretend to know your situation.
But I have been through dark times before where I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. I had no friends or support at all and through it all I got through it. And in the end those dark times made me the person I am right now, after going through all that I felt that I can take on any other challenges life might have for me.
Please don't lose hope. Someday the tides will turn for you and things will change.
Take care dudee :]
Hi SadSilence,
what does your therapist say? You seemed to have a connection with her. Do you still see her? Do you talk about this? I think she should have a word with your father. If he tries to help, he may be willing to go there with you. She may give him some advice what is important, what to do, what not. Maybe you can ask her to call him?
I understand that school doesn't seem to be important right now, but if your grades are good, you may have and easier start after school. Don't make it even harder for yourself. Try to distract your mind, keep yourself occupy and catch up with your school. Make the future a bit easier for yourself.
Life gets easier. You have to also let go of your own anger.