If it wasn't worn last season it gets ditched - but my favourite piece of clothing is a black jacket I bought from a thrift shop for $3.00 (Half price too, it was $6.00!!) I'm addicted to the ultimate bargain and eBay is my best shopping friend.
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Zathyn Wrote:If it wasn't worn last season it gets ditched - but my favourite piece of clothing is a black jacket I bought from a thrift shop for $3.00 (Half price too, it was $6.00!!) I'm addicted to the ultimate bargain and eBay is my best shopping friend.
Whats a thrift shop?
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
I learn to love it more and more. [/COLOR]
I love my jackets! I have about 9 or 10 jackets that I wear... and shoes. I love them because even if I gain a few pounds they always fit and they always look good. I love the winter!
I love jeans (I have around 22 pairs) and shoes (don't even ask how many I have :biggrin: ) so depending on my mood for that day depends on the jeans and shoes I like.
My fav thing would be my, well three things, My Melbourne Victory Football Strip and Me Rangers Football Strip and me Quicksilver Bordies.
I love my suit!
Coz it (along with a nice dark shirt) is the one thing I actually feel good looking in!
It's well good! #geeky grin#
My shoes .. each and every one of them! I have quite the shoe fetish going I suppose ... especially any of the Kenneth Cole ones .. just love Kenneth Cole shoes .. I can spot them a mile away
My bf is a fashion designer so I better say all his clothing.
He does have the best tshirts and cargo pants ever
I probably live in my diesel jeans but they have become kinda Frankenstein monster pants all with different materials sewn all around to keep them together.