Thou shalt not unplug my Kindle when it's charging!
Thou shalt not call me shorty ,I will have you know that I am taller than some U.F.C. fighters.
Thou shalt not pretend to be someone thou art not!
Thou shalt not rise from the dead as a different person.
Thou shalt not read over my shoulder.
Posts: 8,129
Threads: 11
Joined: Feb 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
Thou shalt not increase my Gas and Electric bills, AGAIN, just as winter come upon'eth! How shalt I find the pennies to eat thy daily meal and pay all thy other bills and keep thy wolf from thine door?
Thou shalt not invent Carbon Tax ,I know where I want to leave my footprint Gillard.
Thou shalt not keep picking on the poorest in society, Cameron! :mad:
Thou shalt not offer me rhubarb pie.