Thou shalt not leave perfectly good food on the plate, especially when I've cooked it!
Posts: 8,129
Threads: 11
Joined: Feb 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
Thou shalt not spill coffee down a clean T-Shirt and blame others for your own stupidity...
Thou shall not try and hit runners with your car while they are do not get get extra points for running us over.
Thou shalt not expect me to know the rules in the first place! :biggrin:
Thou shall not call me trying to get me to change my TV service or getting me to donate money to your "worthy cause"
Thou shalt not knock on my door and ask me if I want to become a Jehovah's bloody Witness! :mad:
Thou shalt not block me in my own driveway .
Thou shalt not park in disabled spaces.