Thou shalt not tell me what's going to happen in the film just 'coz you've seen it before! :frown:
^ Amen to that one.
Thou shalt not ask me ten times "Whats wrong?"
If I wanted you to know I would have told you.
Thou shalt not reply "Nothing!" when I ask what's wrong, then expect me to be a mind-reader.
Thou shalt not be a smartie-pants! :biggrin:
I feel like I should write that 100 times, like doing "lines" at school!
Thou shalt not make coffee without offering me a cup! :tongue:
^ Thou shalt not mention coffee before I've had a chance to have some myself :biggrin:
Thou shalt not bombard me with questions, first thing in the morning.
Thou shalt not have arguments in public forum.