Thou shalt not leave the cats alone... Poor dears.
Thou shall not... No, I should not be here right now... *blush*
Thou shalt not call me at 5:30 Am to wake me up to ask me if I am sleeping, then proceed to tell me to get back on that damn horse - again.... I didn't fall off a horse. Sheesh what is up with that phrase and why can't my fag-hag* stop using it?
*Yeah that is what she is today, I usually call her gal-pal
Thou shalt not call me love.grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Thou shall not anger thyself when the ignorant people attempt to appease thee with terms of endearment. :tongue:
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Joined: Aug 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
thou shall not use lovely sarcastically
Thou shall not question the existence of Sasquatch. (He doesn't exist. Give it a rest people)
Though shalt not question my authority...
Thou shall not underestimate chinchilas' intelligence when it comes to escaping from a cage.