thou shalt not suddenly end the conversation in the chatroom as soon as you find out that i'm not a guy . totally rude.
Oh yikes, meg...was it another one of the lonely horny guys looking for a hookup? >.<
Thou shall not come to GS expecting hookups.
Also, thou shall not assume everyone on this forum is a dude!!
Posts: 10,581
Threads: 20
Joined: Aug 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
thou shall not gamble if u cannot afford it....why go to a casino and bum off gas money....grrrr
if u cannot even afford gas, dont even go to the casino
thou shalt not laugh at people who have serious mental illnesses , even if their behavior is something that might be funny if they did it out of choice and not as a result of their illness.
it's rude and immature.
Posts: 8,129
Threads: 11
Joined: Feb 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
Thou shalt not delete my favorite youtube vids before I have time to convert them to mp3 files!
Thou shalt not allow your children to use their skateboard on the road .
Nearly hit one of them Grrrrr..
Thou shall keep your children from screaming and playing in the nice restaurant.
McDonalds is the one with a playland, people! What happened to the expectations of good manners in a nice restaurant? Sheesh!
Thou shalt not not do shit when you're supposed to be helping me shovel the driveway