Thou shalt not destroy my coffee by pitting milk in it.
Thou shalt not play the bagpipes!
Thou shall do little of anything on sunday
Thou shall not watch Fox News for they are messengers of Satan.
Posts: 10,581
Threads: 20
Joined: Aug 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
thou shall not deprieve me of my freedom of speech
Thou shalt not ask me to play golf with you.
Stupid game ....Grrrr( Yeah I suck at it.):biggrin:
Thou shall not have us stop at the CVS because you need to pee but just pee in front of the car anyway because you couldn't find the bathroom.
Thou shalt not diss the Heavenly Music that proceeds from the Sacred Bag Pipes!
Thou shalt not wind me up!
Thou shall not mess with my laundry.