there is a guy i work with he is so hot i just want to grab his ass and suck him off. he always wears his pants lowered, so i can always see his boxers and his asscrack where the boxers creep up...
i really wish i had a subtle way to hint to him... "hey i want to know if u are gay?"
Oh wait, subtle.... Sorry subtlety is not my forte.:biggrin:
When I want to know if a person is or is not gay I ask them (in private) 'Are you family?'
This references the 'gay theme' "We are Family". Most gays know this.
If they are 'Huh? What?' and are young (thus maybe naive) I would then ask them if they know about '-------------' The name of the local gay bar. If they are still like 'What?!' Then either discount them as not being gay or just plain ask to their face 'Are you, you know, gay?'