Michel Berger performing "Mademoiselle Chang", a song in tribute to a young cambodian girl refugee, who worked as a nanny for his children...
Here, a summary translation:
Away from her origins, from her story
She's trying to loose her memory...
Away from the monsoon and the black-blue sky
In a world that has nothing to do with,
Uprooted by accident...
Mademoiselle Chang,
All she's asking,
Is to understand
Why she's here...
Mademoiselle Chang,
If you can be tender,
She approaches you...
Even if your eyes don't ask,
Hers are more and more mild
She tells you in her mother-tongue
Some words told everywhere
She calls love solana
But love forget her here...
Mademoiselle Chang,
Away, she knows how to hide behind her eyes
All her joys and all her despaires.
Away, her incorrigible faith,
Her smile is her inmense strength,
Her smile is her stabbing knife
Mademoiselle Chang,
If you're able to be tender
She comes in your arms.
She shows you her bedroom
And tells you softly
Some words in her mother-tong
Which you don't understand...