Sorry about my last post, I get bad mood swings and I know that isn't an excuse though.
This brings up another point but I don't know if it's even valid or not; sometimes I try too hard to be different. Like if I was in a room full of fem guys (which I have been before) I'll try not to be fem at all and be masculine. But in a room full of straight masc guys I'll let it show a bit, only a little not a lot. I don't know why I do this, it just seems like I'm naturally inclined to not do what everyone else is doing. Which of course is the opposite of what I should be doing... this could be why I have such a hard time making friends sometimes. I mean I like to have things in common with people of course, but some things it's like my brain wants me not to conform too much? I don't know. It's not like I do the exact opposite of everybody else.
But still point is I do have natural feminine tendencies. And I like feminine tendencies in some guys, because it can be cute. I'm just not attracted to make-up and a prissy attitude.
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Typically I would say I'm more into masculine guys, guys who like sports, martial arts and other such boy things lol but I would have to say to you don't pretend to be something your not, be yourself unless doing more masculine things is what you want. I'm sure if you are are on the feminine side there is still someone out there for you, so no worries.
in today's society no one can really call them selves masculine and not be pretending to them selves. Play your game but for example we gto to work in an office and work on no particular porject but are part of a team. Maybe go to the gym. Leave for home lock the door and watch tv.
Just me, but I am more attracted to someone who is masculine but is also comfortable and doesn't care if they have a feminine side.
Pellaz is right, a masculine guy might be able to help you mow your lawn or hike a mountain with you. But it would also be nice is if that same guy will be able to cry with you in your darkest moments or help you bake a cake.
So let me get this straight.
It is NOT ok for a masculine man to not want to date you because you are effeminate and tell you to your face there is no interest there.
But its perfectly fine for you to lie to a masculine man to trick him into dating you?
I've become more self-conscious about being masculine now that I'm actually seen as male in society. I really don't like "man hugs" you know hwo you grab each other's hand like you're going to shake but instead do the big arm swoop around for a hug. they're more awkward than just giving a regular hug and I refuse to do them but then I'm afraid of making the other person uncomfortable but I figure if I'm not grabbing your crotch or your ass there's no reason to be uncomfrotable if I give a hug a bit "femininely". Anyway, I've kind of been paying more attention to my mannerisms but ultimately I've made no effort to change them. I kinda decided I'd rather feel a bit awkward for not abiding to the norms than feel even MORE uncomfortable doing something that isn't normal for myself.
To be honest I don't understand the sports thing. Sure liking sports is considered "manly" but I've met plenty straight men who aren't considered feminine just because they don't like sports and I really can't be bothered with anyone who thinking to be masculine means an a weird obsession for sports. Who cares really...the whole topic of being masuline and liking sports just sends me in a rage so I'm going to avoid ranting about it.
So I understand being self-conscious and wanting to fit in but I just can't bother to change myself or pretend to be someone else for the sake of other people who lack the maturity level to deal with someone who's a bit different than them. Don't get me wrong, I don't judge people for trying to blend, I just don't feel like I should have too and it would make me even more uncomfortable and awkward trying to fake something. But I guess I've always been a little "weird" too people so I've become used to it and it doesn't bother me.