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Summoning Spirits
I remember someone telling me that he asked a guy who seemed really good with a Ouija board to call a spirit. He said he did it as a trick because the guy was still alive but the thing was that even though the guy with the board had never even heard of the guy before the board was using all the right phrases, displaying the same attitude, and knowing things that only the guy could know.

He later called his friend to make sure he was still alive and then told him what happened. His friend who had been, er, ouijied (not sure what the right word for that would be...) had no memory of it and couldn't even recall any weird dreams.

Though I just now recalled of an experiment I read about in (IIRC) Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain in which many had been hypnotized with the intent to convince them they'd been Napoleon in a past life but the weird thing was they (who were tested individually) knew really obscure info about him and what history didn't verify (or even contradicted) was often backed by others in the same experiment, and most amazing some of them even momentarily gained the ability to speak French as it was spoken in the time of Napoleon! If so perhaps this means we all leave "imprints" into some psychic force and is even more permanent than the internet, and these imprints can be mistaken for ghosts to past life memories.

Quote:It took a few minutes and several times telling the presence to leave but it eventually did. I haven't "felt" this presence any more since that, but I've been really onu guard today. So I guess what
I'm asking is, has anyone else ever had a "drive by haunting?"

Have you ever heard of Resurrection Mary? She is a ghost who has freaked out many, many people as a drive-by haunting:

The other is Munger Road:

I am not as familiar w/that one as RM, even though I lived much closer.

But, to answer your question, it's not unheard of.

Someone mentioned "dark" witches versus "white" witches...

I guess people can call themselves whatever they want, but really, no Witch (yes, capital W) I know acknowledges "dark" vs. "white." I understand what that post was getting at, but I feel the need to say that the general belief is that there's not so much inherent good or evil. What taught in Wiccan (many Witches) covens/circles/books is that what goes around comes around. Tinkering with one form of magic(k) or the other isn't as important as the use.

The threefold law: Whatever you send out will come back threefold. (Positive or negative.)

I won't get into it further. I know there are practicing Witches/Wiccans here who probably wouldn't mind. Personally, I'm more of a metaphysical agnostic, if there is such a thing.

And I'm very, very sleeeeepy. No hypnosis required. LOL


I have heard or Ressurection Mary though not the part where she acts like what I experienced last night. Though I guess in a way it could be like where the driver actually let's her into the car. But I did not invite this spirit in to my car last night. No intentionally anyway. Never heard of Munger Road before though.

I've never heard of her sitting on someone's lap, but I've heard of her appearing in cars. Usually being let in, but sometimes just there in the car. LOL

Well last night was definitely the creepiest experience I've ever had. Even more so than when I saw a full body apparition of a woman from around the time of the Civil War. I'm considering going back to the cemetery during the day time to do some research and I would love to talk to some of the people who live around it to see what they know and have experienced.

Cub, you are aware that it's well known that the Rialto Theater, and in fact a lot of El Dorado is haunted right?

There are also several reports of odd occurrences after hours at the courthouse and, some of the old timers around there claim the park by the fish pond is haunted as well.

And there are a lot of reports of houses, especially near downtown, being haunted.

El Dorado is one of the hotbeds for supernatural activity in the US. So it doesn't surprise me that some of those ghosts or spirits would be drawn to or attached to the cemetery as well.

In fact here are the links to the info and evidence from a team that investigated that theater.

Yeah Blue! In fact I've ha an encounter with the ghost of the guy in the Rialto. Nothing like taking a leak and seeing someone in a mirror who isn't really there! But the cemetery in question was actually in a little community north of here called Mt. Holly. But, this whole area is a hot bed for the supernatural. Lots and lots of stories all over South Arkansas.

Tons of them ranging from the hitchhiker to Bigfoot. It would be interesting to learn who this ghost might be. I know the Ozark Howler, Devil Cat, whatever you want to call it has been seen by almost everyone who lives in my area, myself included.

Last hunting season, i had taken a deer not far from my home, but it managed to run down a steep embankment before it fell so, I had to go get help to drag it out of there. It was near dusk when I shot the deer and, nearly dark 30 minutes later when I got back to the animal with my partner. We had our flashlights and, we both swore there was a cougar (mountain lion) feeding on the hind quarters of my deer as we started down the embankment. So sure the we both took a shot at it with our side arm, and both knew we had hit the cougar. It was only about a 25 or 30 yard shot, I had my .45 semi auto and, he my .357 double action revolver.

The cougar vanished, didn't run off, jump, die or anything we expected it to do, it vanished into thin air. No blood trail, nothing except almost all of one and about 1/3 of the other hind quarter of the deer eaten and, obvious large bites taken to get through the hide. We took pictures and, saved the hind quarters to take to the game warden the next day. The game warden agreed that only a large cat could have eaten my deer.

There are no cougars left in Arkansas, except that one. It's spooked horses and gotten almost everyone around here that rides thrown at one time or another, and most of us have seen the cat, usually in the fall and winter here. If it comes back this year, I intend on getting a photo of it. Yeah it could have been a real cougar, except if it had been, I'd be paying the fines for shooting it since it wouldn't have vanished and, it is very much illegal to kill one if there is one here.

Wow! I've heard of animals disappearing before but they left a blood trail when they were shot. You don't think it was the Fouke monster do you? Smile

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