te he

mile: .
Well, I'm to lazy to get off my bum and take a bus ride up there, so I just got pictures off the internet, but I can tell you some stories about the caves

This is what you see when you go down.
Although there are railings there to prevent falls and whatnot, there's parts of the cave[as it's quite large] that have no railings and have quite slippery rocks. It's pretty dangerous if don't have a guide or common sense :tongue: .
Although it's pretty prohibited, there are some very limited areas where you can swim, although I think it's been banned in some spots for some reason or the other, but I've swam there before. There are also cave fish that live there as well.
[Random couple]
So, years ago, there were reports of Dolphins, that's right Dolphins, actually living in caves like these around the island, although I've never actually seen one in a cave. We do have them in Dockyard, but mostly as a tourist attraction, since you can swim with them and feed them and so on.
My Nana told me that when she was a little girl, her dad told her a story about how some kids actually discovered Crystal caves playing Cricket, when their ball landed by the opening and they went in and discovered this underwater/ground cave. Back then, it was bad luck to go anyplace you didn't know, so they didn't go all the way in, but they told everyone they knew and that's how it came to be, along with the Fantasy Caves, practically right next to it.
It's quite common to us, we're very adapt to water and sea life and what not, but for tourist it's like a magical wonderland :biggrin: . I like seeing people go "omg!!!"

Also, a few pics of Devil's Hole;
I belive it was founded or discovered in 1834.
It's mostly Turtles that live there now, Giant Green Sea Turtles, but there are a few other marine species that live there.
and as I said before, back in the day it was cloaked in mystery and intrigue, since no one had ever come across a hole in the middle of the land, filled with sea life, although I believe there's a channel that leads out [can't remember exactly].
So as you can see from the pictures I've posted, both previous and present, nature and especially water, is part of our culture and you can now see why I'm so enamoured with animals... especially Turtles! :tongue:
Although, I wish we had some of Scotlands scenery, but oh well

I hope you enjoyed :biggrin: .
[I'll try to get my own pictures some other time.:redface:]