FF VI :p Valkyrie Profile, Harvest Moon
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no fps fans? I got a Nintendo 64 instead of a ps1 and I fell in love with Goldeneye then Halo when the Xbox came out. I played a little FF when it first came out though, it was ok.
Its an older computer game...but please...for the love of all that is holy...I URGE everyone to give the game "Planescape, Torment" a try.
Dear....god! This game has the most wonderful, in depth story I have ever run across in a game. I don't want to say too much for fear of spoiling things...but suffice to say I've played through the game at least half a dozen times just for the story alone...its that good.
Hands down, my all time favorite video game...nothing else comes close.
I've heard so many good things about Planescape. I'm hoping to get to it someday. I just started Baldur's Gate for the first time so I'm going to try to play through I and II then Icewind Dale. If I'm not sick of the Infinity Engine by then.... we'll see.
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I'd have to say skyrim lol
Skyrim was an EPIC game, but after a point it turned out boring...
I'm passionate to all PES and FIFA games, but for adventure games im vote for assassins creed!
Im not that into online gaming...
I would say it's between Dead or Alive 4, Onechanbara or Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 on xbox 360.
FallOut, the old version are more like a point & click rpg while the newer versions are more like fps rpg but either way there excellent games.
I had two games on Final Fantasy X I spent over 150+ hours on. Same with its psuedo sequel, X-2.