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pellaz Wrote:what makes us the expert here? Only Catholic eyes see gays as pedophile material. Only when excusing their clergy.
Most of the followers....well...some of the followers don't.:redface:
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
Going strictly by what you share here I don't think he's a troll (their MO is usually a little different, even for the more sophisticated & subtle ones) but I think he's got a lot of anger & psychological problems. It sounds as though the other conservatives find him an embarrassment (though his hostility to God wouldn't help). It's also possible that he never really was a gay liberal, he just thinks that's what gay liberals are like and wanted to prevent anyone from saying otherwise by saying, "I know, because I used to be one." (Of course he could've been that way as well and just assumes everyone else was just as sucky, though I have a hard time believing he had a lot of "gay liberal" friends in that case.)
I also think it's a lot of dark fantasy on his part. If he was a repeat vigilante then chances are he'd get hurt and/or busted for it, especially if he brags about it. (No need to challenge him on this as that might dare him to try.) See also:
Evangelicals (with a few allies among Catholics & Mormons, especially the clergy) have a conspiracy theory on how gays are destroying and/or coming to dominate the world (basically it's a bunch of psychological projection as they're the conspirators out to destroy & dominate to stop their imaginary conspiracy), but I'd think it would be very difficult to believe without being a Christian (particularly taking Romans 1 to heart).
Though OTOH Alex Jones has spouted some conspiracy theories of his own that didn't require being a Christian but that's more of a government conspiracy than gay conspiracy (short & sweet, the government is secretly putting estrogen in our food so that men turn gay and thus help stave off world population, and also insinuates that gays--at least gay men anyway--are easier for the state to control & pacify).
Just out of curiosity, did he say how he stopped being a gay liberal? (And as a bonus question, how he became one?)
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Pix Wrote:Going strictly by what you share here I don't think he's a troll (their MO is usually a little different, even for the more sophisticated & subtle ones) but I think he's got a lot of anger & psychological problems. It sounds as though the other conservatives find him an embarrassment (though his hostility to God wouldn't help). It's also possible that he never really was a gay liberal, he just thinks that's what gay liberals are like and wanted to prevent anyone from saying otherwise by saying, "I know, because I used to be one." (Of course he could've been that way as well and just assumes everyone else was just as sucky, though I have a hard time believing he had a lot of "gay liberal" friends in that case.) He's not hostile to God. Just doesn't believe in a any gods.
I think you're probably correct with your last line in brackets, that's what seems most likely to me.
He's very assumptive and tries to pretend he just knows these things because he's perceptive.
Quote:I also think it's a lot of dark fantasy on his part. If he was a repeat vigilante then chances are he'd get hurt and/or busted for it, especially if he brags about it. (No need to challenge him on this as that might dare him to try.)
He's bragged about being arrested too, but getting away with the attacks.
Something i doubt,. Vigilantes normally WANT to be recognised as figures of justice, they wouldn't deny their actions...but meh.
Quote:Evangelicals (with a few allies among Catholics & Mormons, especially the clergy) have a conspiracy theory on how gays are destroying and/or coming to dominate the world (basically it's a bunch of psychological projection as they're the conspirators out to destroy & dominate to stop their imaginary conspiracy), but I'd think it would be very difficult to believe without being a Christian (particularly taking Romans 1 to heart).
Yeah. Heard it many times.
I think this guy blames liberal/progressive thinking for the worlds problems because he desperately needs a black and white, good VS evil world view to comfort him, to make him feel important, a bringer of hope to the moral and innocent. Bringer of doom to his immoral enemies.(A word he uses often)
Quote:Though OTOH Alex Jones has spouted some conspiracy theories of his own that didn't require being a Christian but that's more of a government conspiracy than gay conspiracy (short & sweet, the government is secretly putting estrogen in our food so that men turn gay and thus help stave off world population, and also insinuates that gays--at least gay men anyway--are easier for the state to control & pacify).
Yeah, i hear that one too.
The forums had an influx of conspiracy theorists recently.
It's hilarious, but also depressing to know there's people so terrified of everything.
Quote:Just out of curiosity, did he say how he stopped being a gay liberal? (And as a bonus question, how he became one?)
1) Nope.
2) Nope.
I don't expect to get an answer for either, considering they're probably sensitive subjects for him.
Thanks for your thoughts.:biggrin:
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
Very disturbing individual, that is tagging homosexuality with pedophilia?
I would be extremely concerned with him going near any child.
I am sorry , as I do not like tagging people , but the man is a walking warning poster for a pedophilia.
He needs help yesterday.
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I never understood how religious people came to the conclusion that only gay people can be pedophiles, the world has always been full of sick people like this guy.
Just yesterday I came across a post on another forum that I help moderate by a guy I recognize as mentally ill and make allowances for but he took me by surprise with yet another slur against evil homosexuals (he knows I'm a lesbian, btw, and he also likes to show contempt and hatred for women as well). For the FIRST TIME IN YEARS I went off on him with a lot of sarcasm and even profanity. THIS IS NOT NORMAL FOR ME.
In a way the increased attacks on gays I've noticed on the internet the past couple of years (marching in step with Republicans) that has put me back in the closet on most forums because I get sick of the passive aggressive attacks and worse finally got too much as he said the government was forcing him to celebrate homosexuality (among other things he said about us) and yesterday was the straw that broke the camel's back (especially as I debated his saying things like this before as reasonably & diplomatically as possible off & on for years now, though with the Republicans hating on gays right now he's marching in step against the evil homosexual agenda, too).
I PM the guy who actually runs the place and let him know I just lost it (the entire post was spontaneous) and that I wouldn't hold it against him if he deleted it and gave me a formal warning, but today he said it was epic and well thought out despite the occasional profanity (with lots of links) so he said he applauded me. That's nice, but I always feel bad when I lose it like that.
Gods I hope that Republicans lose badly in 2012 and thus abandon their war on women, gays, and separation of church & state so that the ****tards on the net back off as well. (And if the Republicans can win on their current primary issues then I'm going to seriously consider immigrating to Canada.)
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Pix Wrote:Just yesterday I came across a post on another forum that I help moderate by a guy I recognize as mentally ill and make allowances for but he took me by surprise with yet another slur against evil homosexuals (he knows I'm a lesbian, btw, and he also likes to show contempt and hatred for women as well). For the FIRST TIME IN YEARS I went off on him with a lot of sarcasm and even profanity. THIS IS NOT NORMAL FOR ME.
In a way the increased attacks on gays I've noticed on the internet the past couple of years (marching in step with Republicans) that has put me back in the closet on most forums because I get sick of the passive aggressive attacks and worse finally got too much as he said the government was forcing him to celebrate homosexuality (among other things he said about us) and yesterday was the straw that broke the camel's back (especially as I debated his saying things like this before as reasonably & diplomatically as possible off & on for years now, though with the Republicans hating on gays right now he's marching in step against the evil homosexual agenda, too).
I PM the guy who actually runs the place and let him know I just lost it (the entire post was spontaneous) and that I wouldn't hold it against him if he deleted it and gave me a formal warning, but today he said it was epic and well thought out despite the occasional profanity (with lots of links) so he said he applauded me. That's nice, but I always feel bad when I lose it like that.
Gods I hope that Republicans lose badly in 2012 and thus abandon their war on women, gays, and separation of church & state so that the ****tards on the net back off as well. (And if the Republicans can win on their current primary issues then I'm going to seriously consider immigrating to Canada.)
It' is getting bad isn't it?
And they, the social conservatives, feel like the victim.
Trying to stamp out our rights while claiming we're trying to take away theirs.
I've had to argue with three people within the last WEEK that homosexuality is not a mental illness.
Every time i present all the evidence to the contrary, they just ram their fingers in there ears and shout: "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS IS WHY IT'S NO LONGER CONSIDERED A MENTAL ILLNESS."
It's sickening.
You wouldn't like the forum site i'm a member of by the sounds of it.:redface:
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
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this is another reason why I don't want to come out, I'm not afraid of anybody but bigots a very annoying to deal with. they can't be reasoned with. plus with my high blood pressure I tend to get a little violent when people piss me off and will not back off.
Genersis Wrote:You wouldn't like the forum site i'm a member of by the sounds of it.:redface:
I'm sure I wouldn't. I can find debate mentally stimulating and I've had friendly debates that didn't devolve into nastiness but it seems some people mistake name calling for intelligent debate and arguing with them is ultimately just "is so" vs. "is not" and I don't find that stimulating or interesting.
The board I help moderate is actually a fan board but one guy was allowed to post there after he got banned from a much more active board he'd been on for years for threatening people (among other things). At the time I was a mod of that other board as well (and then I had almost no time for the internet for a couple of years and quit as I couldn't keep up with it) and I was actually one of the few who spoke up in his defense to the other mods when it was being discussed what to do about him (I favored a temporary ban rather than a permanent one) but he's blamed me repeatedly for his permanent ban. I really don't get why he keeps antagonizing me if he believes that given that I'm still the mod of the other board (which receives a lot less traffic save for the X-rated fanfic section and I just normally check it briefly every other day or so to get rid of spambots that post about half of everything outside the X-rated forum with the right wing bigot coming close to making up the other half).
It's not supposed to be political at all, but because he kept ticking everyone off with his right wing extremist posts that were sometimes racist as well as sexist & homophobic we created a special political & religious forum just so he can post (and most members can ignore him). Because he incites such strong feelings from time to time I feel compelled to at least skim his many posts as part of being a mod though creating a forum that is mostly just him has helped contained the problems he was causing. (The guy who runs the board and myself do feel sorry for him and believe him mentally ill and probably brain damaged from alcohol poisoning and living a miserable existence in which his only meaningful contact of any kind is our board which is why we tolerate him.) If I wasn't a mod, however, I'd almost never bother to read his threads anymore as I'm just so sick of his continual rants inspired (I'm generous here, he mostly just cuts & pastes from these sites with a few obnoxious and clueless statements thrown in) by the often extreme right wing blogs and sites. He does post a little that's more appropriate from time to time (about as often as everyone else) but I'd say that's less than 10% of his posts.
Btw, off topic, but back when I participated in the X-rated fanfic & fanart forum I was writing mostly heterosexual fics while most of the heterosexual guys were writing lesbian slash.  Still, I got a lot of praise for my erotica (both slash and ship, that is to say both gay and het) and I even have a tiny pin mailed to me as a prize for winning a contest (I won 2 contests in that forum, one was for one of my rare femslash fics and the other was a heterosexual ship, but I can't recall which one I got the pin for).
That specific forum (which one has to be a member and claim to be 18+) is why most people go these days and so of course they're not interested in the most toxic kinds of right wing rants with evangelical overtones. Luckily they've learned to stay out of "his forum" for the most part and we transfer any offensive threads to "his forum" when we catch them in the other forums before they can cause problems.
ceez Wrote:this is another reason why I don't want to come out, I'm not afraid of anybody but bigots a very annoying to deal with. they can't be reasoned with. plus with my high blood pressure I tend to get a little violent when people piss me off and will not back off. 
Unfortunately, I have to disagree a tiny bit here, because bigots are always going to be who they are, just like how we'll be who we are, so they only thing you can do, is be the best you you can be, however hard it may be.
A quick anecdote; almost 40-50 years ago, it was forbidden here for blacks and whites to "get together", but my grandmother married a white man and got lots of crap for it, but if she hadn't, I wouldn't have my Mom and I wouldn't be here. My Mom had me at 14 and my father was about 18/19, and people wanted her to abort me, because back then pregnant girls had to drop out of school or go to a home for pregnant girls, but through all that, she stuck it out even at her own expense.
So you have to not hold bigots responsible for your actions/feelings towards yourself or even them, because they're just being themselves. Growing up Bi-racial in a period when Blacks and Whites were really only just starting to get together in public wasn't a fun experience, but now my ethnicity is considered "exotic" by the same people who disapproved of me.
People will always find something they don't like about you, gay or straight, so why let it bother you?  mile:
@Pixie - wow :eek: . You always blow my mind with your knowledge, especially of Politics, cause that's one area I'm really no good at :tongue: .
I wonder if the man were to actually sit down and whole heartedly talk to and listen to a gay or lesbian person, maybe he could see his blunders and realize that everyone is equal and practically the same.
Although, I've said it before, like most animals, it's assumed we are born bisexual or in the general sense, sexual. So societal standards pretty much regulate whats wrong or right, primarily judged upon their religion/personal experiences/upbringing and is no wonder why everyone is at war, both with themselves and others, trying in vain to restore balance and order, so that there is not blind chaos.
Studying animals[however unprofessionally trained] i've learned this and the fact that they actually exist and co-exist better than we do, because they have no limitations on basically anything, and are free of any constrictions that we as humans place on ourselves. We can have some rules, but they should be fair, to everyone.
So if more people stopped seeing everything in black and white, and more multispectrum, I think people like the man we're discussing about, would have no reason to hate gays/lesbians in general. Pedophilia and Homosexuality [and I've said this somewhere else as well] are not the same thing, which is again looking at it black and white, so for him to connect the two doesn't really make sense.