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I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
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I've recently started conversing with a guy who seemed pretty Anti-gay on another forum site.
I started to notice just how broken his psyche was, so i started to read his post history.
After piecing together a rudimentary profile of him, his past, his views, his thought patterns ETC
I'm deeply troubled by what i saw.
A formerly gay liberal, who suffered some traumatic event involving sex and children.
He mentions that when he was gay, he would of happily taught 10 year old boys "a few things" if they asked him questions about sex.
And since stopping being gay, he believes all gays and liberals think like this and are the scum of the earth. That they think of children as property, and have no concern for Children.
What worried me even more, is that he brags of being a vigilante.
Saying he beats up people who could be dangerous; "even in front of children".
He said a gun is a cowards weapon, and that knives and tasers are the way to go. Bragging about how he practices throwing knives.
He's currently a conservative atheist(believes the worlds too much of a shit hole for their to be a god. But really WANTS to believe), but fully believes in "traditional family values", and how a lack thereof is destroying the world.
I've advised him to seek psychological help.
I was wondering though, he primarily blames gay people for the worlds ills; How does that come off to you guys and galls?
He may be a troll i guess.
But he seems incredibly genuine, very mentally scared.
I guess i just want to hear other peoples opinions on this.
Sorry; I know this is kind of dark.:redface:
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
he seems to just a wee bit cooky:tongue  seriously though i would probably keep my distance with this guy).
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jaxc Wrote:he seems to just a wee bit cooky:tongue seriously though i would probably keep my distance with this guy).
I think the words i'm thinking of are:
"No shit Sherlock!"
Luckily there's a very large pond between the guy in question, and me.  mile:
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
Just my guess:
I don't think the guy is gay. He is a pedophile and in fighting and suppressing his desires (to control and sexually dominate young boys, to kill innocence) he expresses it as hate, anger and violence toward gay men. Chances are he doesn't see gay men as masculine, but similar to pre-adolescent/adolescent young boys (body wise). I don't know if I'm making sense, but those are my thoughts. :biggrin:
It's kind of like the evangelicals who obsess about gay sex. :tongue: To me, they are just fighting the urge, and denying who they are. What they hate about themselves is transparent and manifests itself in hate, violence and the attempt at control. They are miserable and they don't want to see others have healthy gay relationships.
azulai Wrote:Just my guess:
I don't think the guy is gay. He is a pedophile and in fighting and suppressing his desires (to control and sexually dominate young boys, to kill innocence) he expresses it as hate, anger and violence toward gay men. Chances are he doesn't see gay men as masculine, but similar to pre-adolescent/adolescent young boys (body wise). I don't know if I'm making sense, but those are my thoughts. :biggrin:
It's kind of like the evangelicals who obsess about gay sex. :tongue: To me, they are just fighting the urge, and denying who they are. What they hate about themselves is transparent and manifests itself in hate, violence and the attempt at control. They are miserable and they don't want to see others have healthy gay relationships.
You took the words right off my finger tips!
I absolutely agree 1000%  . My Mom always told me; "If someone picks on you, it either means their jealous of you or they like you" . And I always hold this to be true.
He seems to be troubled and I am no where near a registered, let alone trained psychiatrist, so all I could really do for him is hope for the best that he gets better and sees the error of his ways and tries to sort himself and his priorities out.
Although, I will say he's lucky to be where ever he is and not here, because guys[and girls] here detest, bordering on hate, guys who mess with children[because we're so tight-knit] and he probably would've been harmed rather than helped, so he should take his luck and turn it into help.
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A weapon is a cowards way of dealing with a conflict, it just proves that you don't have the guts to stand up for your self and face your opponent face to face and/or take a beating.
In general what I see is a man who has so much self hatred for his deeds and him self but can't deny who he is so he tries to convince others that he is someone who he is not. I am not sure how pedophilia works nor interested in it, but I can imagine that it is like being gay in that way that you (atleast I did not) don't choose to simply just become gay and therefor tries his best to suppress his desires just like Azulai said.
Sometimes you need a bit of chaos in your life to be able to shrug off pitiful disdain about something meaningless.
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05-27-2012, 07:26 PM
(Edited 05-27-2012, 07:29 PM by Genersis.)
I should of probably mentioned this; he apparently does this vigilante crap to protect Children from liberals.
But yeah, he hasn't received the best welcome on the other site.
The conservatives participating in the thread where he shared his anti-liberal views disappeared, and the liberals(Including me)...had a few words with him.
Nothing that could be considered a direct attack, maybe a little bit of a piss-taking because of his repeated gloating of beating people up, but that's it.:tongue:
Thanks for your replies though.  mile:
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
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Because he was once a liberal and therefor he despise them as he knew only from him self that he was a scumbag and therefor everyone else must be to
Sometimes you need a bit of chaos in your life to be able to shrug off pitiful disdain about something meaningless.
what makes us the expert here? Only Catholic eyes see gays as pedophile material.
pellaz Wrote:what makes us the expert here? Only Catholic eyes see gays as pedophile material.
Well, it's not the fact that he is a pedophile because he is gay, but is simply either a pedophile or is gay, or is possibly both.
I'm Agnostic, so I see everyone in the same light.