I think that, if he really wanted to be closer to you, he wouldn't have "dissappeared" for 6 months.
Unless he gets on his hands a knees and begs for forgiveness[okay... alittle extreme], then I wouldn't go out of my way for him.
Because, it's okay to "chase" somebody, but when they obviously don't want to be chased, then you have to stop and just let it be, no matter how hard it is.
6Months is a long time to go off the grid and he obviously doesn't seem too interested in you, if he doesn't; call you, text you, email you, heck even stalk you, just so he can get in contact with you[though I personally don't like stalkers], then he isn't interested and you shouldn't humiliate yourself or hurt yourself by trying to make something happen that won't.
I'm not saying just give up completely, but he has to be willing to meet you half-way. It makes me alittle frustrated, because I felt like I had to do the same thing; Chasing people down, just so they'd hangout with me or talk with me, until I realized that just by being myself, I got more friends and attention then I ever had before.
I don't want to seem rude, please don't misunderstand, but I want to be as blunt with you as I can be, so that you can actually "see". I know what it feels like when you have someone you like to hangout with and then all of a sudden they go rogue on you and you don't see them for a long while, but you have to understand that, if they aren't interested, then you cannot make them be.
It's not healthy for you, and even though it may hurt like crazy, you have to be able to let it go.
You should be able to have fun by yourself[in a none sexual way -.- ] and not have to rely on other people to provide you with entertainment/companionship, however good it may be. I learned this sitting in my room, crying because no one wanted to hangout with the feminine gay kid who played Cello[I play Viola now mostly], no matter how hard I tried to get their attention/friendship.
So I said, okay, I don't care, I'll just be myself and have fun on my own and all of a sudden, people were asking me to do stuff with them, pool parties and hanging out at the Clubs[although, I can't drink since I'm still only 18

]. And at first, I refused them, because they hurt me before and I thought it was a joke, but I realized that by just being myself and not what I thought I had to be, they actually liked me better.
So the point is; if this guy doesn't want to hangout with you or is avoiding you for whatever reason, then he's not into you and you have to learn to let it go. He's obviously not the one for you. And you have to be able to see that, in 6months he hasn't been contacting you, that shows just how much he's interested in you.
You should either talk to him and ask him what's up or just move on.
Do what your heart tells you to do, but allow your mind to see reason. :biggrin:
Hope it works out boo
