06-13-2012, 06:26 AM
So recently I met a great guy and we instantly felt a connection with each other. We are now dating and I'm very happy with him, although we do have some arguments... but i guess that's normal. Well anyways because of what I have dealt with in the past, I do have trust issues. I'm trying really hard to overcome them, but sometimes it seems really difficult to do so. Also I have started getting really attached to the guy and I really like him... the problem is I'm afraid to get attached to him. Sometimes I just feel like walking away because I fear getting hurt. I know that getting hurt is part of life but I haven't fully accepted it, I guess. I don't know if I should just end this just because I'm afraid to get attached or if I should keep dating him since I really do like him and I see this relationship going somewhere... any advice would be appreciated. Thanks