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With a bit of luck, our own Mum, live from Australia, will probably have some very good advice to offer too. Confusedmile:

Oh why thank you :3 wasn't expecting any replies, no, I haven't talked to a counsellor, I am confident and I've always been, it's not that, it's hard expressing my feelings on a paper though, it'd be so much easier if someone could read up my mind, heh. I had a grandfather but it's not the same, I've never been close to my grandfathers, because I didn't feel it. My problem is that I'm trying to find a father figure in every guy I talk to, I've got a lot of male friends but it's not the same, it's more like a brotherly affection. It's not only that, I find that father figure only in good looking guys, there's a slight physical attraction as well, for example, I wouldn't feel comfortable talking to a not so attractive guy. I tried to get rid of this feeling so many times but it just won't stop following me, it's stuck on my mind. I could easily live without a man in my life, I've been doing it so far but it'd be so much better with, yet I'm confused and dunno what to do. One night we went to a gay club, I've never got so much attention in my whole life, I liked it, but I kindly refused anyone. I found most of the guys quite immature and they were also kind of effeminate. And yes, I noticed that almost everyone was looking for sex. I'm afraid of starting friendships because I don't know how people will react, it's not like I can go to a man and start a conversation, that's so not me, I've got the guts but I've never done it and I don't see myself doing it. Haha, if you put it that way, I'm kind of scared, though it could be exciting, I cannot tell.

Hello matey,
Firstly im sorry to hear about your dad leaving you and can relate to the whole situation as mine left when i was 2 months old as he didnt want to be a dad anymore... Now onto the issue... You say you are needing the company of a man and this is making you confused... You could be in the limbo of trying to make up lost time and connect with another male in a talking term.. The feeling your feeling is normal and completely understandable because when someone craves a certain kind of attention and they dont get it it can become highly fustrating.. I would say maybe give it a go at seeing what its like hanging with guys and see if this satisfies enough or if your on about sexual relationship etc then thats a whole different kettle of fish and to be honest whether a parent is there or not it doesnt influence your sexuality because its something we have had all our lives and some people are later blooming than others...
I think if you popped down to cardiff you would be alright.. I know that cardiff has loads of gay bars where you can go mingler with other guys not to look for sex but to just have a chat at the end of the day money is the same colour no matter what the persons interest at heart is... I visited Kings X when i was last there and it seemed a friendly little place beside the taxi rank i crashed into taking a drag act lol

Kindest regards

Aunty Zeon x

First of all, you aren't gay, not even bi or bi curious. At the very least you are a straight but gay friendly man.

You are craving something that you haven't had. You are craving what you have seen your close friends grow up with.

You are craving for a father figure and there is nothing wrong or abnormal about that. I am also going to have a wild guess here, you are either the eldest boy or an only child in your imeediate family?

I am not sure if any counselling would help you, so I wouldn't even suggest that. If it's just a niggling feeling, learn to live with it for the time being. When you finish Uni/College and start a career/job, you could find a father figure in your workplace or something as simple as that.

There is absolutely nothing abnormal with your feelings. Your attractions to men are not sexual, they are purely platonic.

I second what dfiant said. Only you can ever know for sure what your sexuality is, but from your posts, it doesn't sound like you're desiring a sexually intimate relationship with a man. Our society has a way of sexualizing everything and I think this can create a sort of neurosis in some that makes it difficult to differentiate platonic and sexual feelings. Society wants to tell you that if you're craving male attention, or a father figure, then you must be gay! Not so, sir.

I say relax and don't fret about trying to interpret and analyze what you're feeling. The simple answer is usually the correct one. If you're desiring a father figure, then you're probably just desiring a father figure

Sounds like you need to put a bit more Yang in your Ying world... (lots of girls)

It's true they're not sexual, yet I pictured a man holding me tight, dunno if gay people are attracted to arses, personally I'm not, I won't lie about it but I think I could even touch or kiss a man, it's not what I'm craving for but I honestly think I would do it if that person was special to me. I don't wanna learn to with live it, since it makes me sad sometimes, I wanna do something about it. I rarely think about it though, maybe once every two or three months, but when I do, I do get pretty sad. Now for instance I'm feeling low and I've got no one to talk to, that's why I googled 'gay forums' and I luckily bumped into this one.

Ok what's your mum like? How do you get on with her?

She's like the most amazing person on Earth. she's always been there for me.

Well she knows what a handsome and clever son she has.... What's not to like? Confusedmile:

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