JTNK, I don't think you are really looking for reasons to hide.... lol. Therefore your question is purely rhetorical.... You're not looking for reasonable answers, are you really?

But I know where your anger and impatience are coming from and I guess you're entitled to those feelings; we've all been entitled to these feelings as we get that impression of being treated unfairly.
Discrimination is never a pleasant feeling, which is why some progress has been made in many areas already, be it for women's rights or for coloured people's rights or even LGBT rights.
What your question does suggest, however, is the question of
How much gayness can you display without it becoming over the top, or becoming a hazardous attitude/activity for your own safety and maybe that of the people who support you? What's the level of gayness that is acceptable in your particular part of the world, how can you push the envelope to have the ''space'' you need to grow and thrive "unfettered" by society's normative standards (which, are mostly straight sexuality based, for the moment)?
I'm sure you'll find that answers to your question depend a lot on your family circumstances, your social circumstances, your financial circumstances (which can buy you a certain amount of freedom-s and opportunities to just say "Fuck off!"), your historical circumstances etc... People in San Francisco probably don't have to put up with as much negative feedback as you do living where you live.
Keep the attitude, continue to question the attitudes around you if they are translated by discrimination and injustice, and join the combat of many of your younger and older peers for more equality. Your vote has to have some weight in the end.