So, a conversation came up about hair yesterday and I heard some interesting things about hair. I was wondering what guys thought of bald guys or guys with short hair. Do you find them attractive? Would you date them? Is it a turn-off if a guy is bald or has short hair?
I personally have always thought a bald/shaved head on the "right kind of guy" was sexy! But not every guy can pull it off. It all depends on the shape and size of his head! And I mean the one "up top" for anyone that wants to get perverted! LOL
Hair is something I can easily ignore in a guy (or I don't have to if it's not there!). But at the same time, there are certain types I tend to love or hate.
~Bald can be extremely sexy. Again, it depends on the guy. Just be confident with it though! Don't cover up your head or anything, unless it's sunny and you don't want sunburn.
~However, male pattern baldness... not so much. By that, I'm referring to hair around the sides but bald on top. It looks stupid (usually), makes guys look older than they are... and maybe it just reminds me of my dad so it's a turn off usually. If a guy has male pattern baldness, I'd want him to shave the remaining hair off. If I go bald, I'm doing that. I don't get why men would keep the hair around the sides. There was even a poll done where women said they prefered the guys to go completely bald. All that being said, it still can work for some guys if the rest of them is hot.
~Short hair, like buzz cuts, can be risky if the facial features are too... prominent? I think that's the word I'm looking for. I've seen guys who I thought should grow their hair out maybe an inch or just a half inch, and they refused to. Keep in mind, if something stands out too much and you don't want it to, grow your hair out a little bit and style it to detract from that.
~Slightly spiked up in the front (like Neil Patrick Harris does sometimes) has worked on almost every guy I've seen it on. Similarly, spiked can have a similar effect. Maybe even try a short fauxhawk.
~I like dyed hair on other guys sometimes too.
All that being said though, I am a real sucker for guys with really long hair and ideally I'd want someone who had it, but most people don't really think this way. From what I understand, most gay men look for the short hairstyles I described above.
bald's not for me u.u tho I'll probz end up bald :S
But yes short hair can look very nice to me. It's all about perception.
I love long hair on a man, but as my partner is now pretty-much bald I have to say it's not the be-all and end-all of attraction.
I enjoy the medium haircuts. For every other color EXCEPT BLONDE. If a guy has buzzed blonde hair its like an insta- OMG DATE ME reaction :p