[SIZE="3"][COLOR="Blue"]True Story: In 2001 I had just become single and re-entered the dating world. Having been completey faithful during the previous 5 years, and having had very little experience with men before that time, I have to admit that I was quite promiscuous.
One of my "friends-with-benefits" threw a party to introduce his new boyfriend, John. Not to sound mean, but when I met John, he seemed quite un-remarkable to me. He was about 5'10" tall, 20-something, with mousey brown hair that had started the early stages of balding. I am ashamed to admit my own superficiality, but his receding hairline was his most notable feature. The next day my friend called me and asked what I thought of John, I told him "You can do better."
Three months later I go out to a club with some friends to blow off a little steam. Around midnight I am on the dance floor covered in sweat, having an awesome time and BAM! Outta nowhere, there is this HOT SEXY SHIRTLESS BALD GUY with the most beautiful ice blue eyes I had ever seen. We danced till 4am and made out a little and exchanged numbers. We went out the following evening and saw each other every night after that for the next 4 months. He was an Airman (I have always had a thing for military guys...

) and he considered himself a poet. He would write me long love poems and leave them for me; I would show up at his dorm at midnight in a tuxedo with roses. It was the most romantic relationship I have ever had......until he told me we had met before...at a friends party....and then proceeded to dump my shallow ass! I felt like a real heel. There is a lesson or four there....lol.
As a side note: Don't feel TOO sorry for John; I few months later I meet another guy that John had dated WHILE he was dating ME! Apparently, John was making two copies of each poem and giving one copy to each of us, and I do mean COPIES because it turns out that the poems were plagiarized.[/COLOR][/SIZE]