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Men are evil
I hate men... disgusting, loathsome creatures. I have yet to meet a single decent man out of the dozens I've met, e-mailed, and slept with. They all lie, pretend they have things to do even though you see them magically log into a dating site 5 minutes later. I was really hopeful at the beginning thinking that I'd make friends and find a good guy, but each blow just takes me down another peg.

I try to keep smiling and I be as friendly as I can, but no one seems to care Sad . I mean, I expected a few bad apples, but not all of them.

I hate anonymous posters that rant and lump all the bad apples in with the good.

To be honest, I find that the loathsome creature is usually found within.

I also find that rants like this done under anonymity is cowardly Wink

I'm just saying

Try meeting men somewhere other than a dating site, preferably somewhere in real life that doesn't serve alcohol.

Yes all men are evil muahahahahaha. No really I think you'll find there are some good guys out there.

not like there are gay men falling from the trees. the lgbt community is small. Not every man that wears Prada shoes is gay. In general being gay does complicate your life.

But why? Men are so cute... Loveya

Like Dad[Dfiant] said, you shouldn't lump bad apples in with all the good ones. You'd be surprised when you find them all spoiled...

Also, perhaps it could be your taste in men, not to say it's bad, and no offense, but obviously it hasn't worked out for you, perhaps your horizons need to be alittle more broad.

And maybe Pix is right, dating a fella you met three blocks down from where you live, may be better then dating someone online.

There are plenty of good menfolk out there. Smile


Finding good people in general is hard. I'm a misanthrope because humans are so evil. They all do this shit. Gay men just seem like they do it a lot more. Whether they do or I'm just imagining it, I don't know.

I'll admit, I haven't really found any decent gay men at all yet.
Try looking for bisexual guys, hate to stereotype but they tend to be a bit... better.

Yeah...the problem is them...not you. :biggrin:

Not all men are evil. There is good ones out there. Confusedmile:

I'd also like to add a mistake many women make in case you're doing it, too. See many women want a nice guy but when a guy actually is nice, thoughtful, and the like they feel cold toward him, or at best, they think of him as a friend, or that he's not interested because he's too decent to hump her leg (that is, he treats her respectfully rather than sexually harassing her). Instead it's the guys who "act like guys" that draw them in and when those guys show interest in her and generally don't respect her anymore than he has to to get what he wants, they swoon and think, "He wants me." Yeah he does, but maybe not for more than a night or until something (I won't say some one as he doesn't really count women as people) better comes along. And then the women they leave (or abuse) cry that another man has treated them, well, like the jerk he acted like when she fell for him as he moves on to the next woman who thinks he's interested (as he acts toward most females). So if you're drawn to the bad boys because they're sexy or because they initiate the relationship or because they're alphas and you like that, then stop it, they don't have what you want, and about the only place such alpha jerks will be domesticated is in romantic fiction (not to be confused with real life).

Having said that I feel obligated to say that many so-called nice guys who complain they can't get women are either making the same mistake (going after the women that aren't interested in them the same way he's interested in her) or aren't anywhere as nice as they make themselves out to be (they're just manipulative jerks who tend to be more passive aggressive than most guys). Plenty of nice guys have no problem finding women to settle with them and I tend to be skeptical of the guys who say, "I'm nice so no woman wants me."

Also, beware that there are men who know how to BS you (called "game") and tell you exactly what you want to hear. It's just like con artists, if it sounds too good to be true (like he's only known you for a week but he feels you're soul mates and couldn't imagine being with anyone else, though granted this could be a hormonal illusion sincerely believed rather than his "game"), it probably is. Keep your wits about you and don't be played.

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