I don't believe in the Christian God, but I do believe in a spiritual, divine type of existence. I don't see it as some big entity up in the clouds looking down and making rules.. but more of a type of natural force. As far as an afterlife and what not goes, I have no real opinion. There could be something, there might not. I don't believe anyone really knows until they're dead.
Do I believe in god. Yes.
Do I believe that the bible is gods word. Sometimes.
Are you going to tell me that my god is wrong. Probably.
How many fucks do I give. None.
I have my own faith. I don't go to church or read the bible I believe that people should try there best to be good and the best person they can be.
No I do and did need to apologize, and at 18 (at the time) I knew right from wrong. And yes respect does go both ways. And I didn't show him respect. I because i did not kiss someone out of love, I did it because I wanted him to feel uncomfortable. Not only is that wrong to purposefully make someone feel uncomfortable, I also used someone I truly do care about for my own sick, twisted, personal agenda. And before you tell me that he was making every homosexual feel uncomfortable, he had every right to be there. Just as much as I did. Not only did I do something wrong, I then later witnessed someone pushing and throwing the poor guys sign, when he wasn't the least bit hostile. I won't lie that I was ashamed to be associated with that display of cruelty. In fact I've not returned to a pride since. I am not however ashamed of who I am in fact I thoroughly enjoy it. So no, I do not regret loving someone, I regret my actions. Regardless, you've missed the point of the post completely. I specifically asked for everyone here to look past their views of Christians or Jews, or Muslims, or religion and faith in general and have respect for your fellow man instead of putting down their ideas; even if they don't show you the same common courtesy.
I'm an agnostic ahteist so while I don't claim to know for sure, I still don't believe in any kind of divine entity.
Also, the argument that you need religion as a moral compass is ridiculous. That's just common sense to me and I don't need the words of any God in order to be the nice and friendly person I want to be.
I am not a religious person and I don't believe in a god or organized religion for that matter. But I do believe that there has to be some type of karma system.
I don't believe in god. Not believing in god is not the same thing as declaring for a fact that there is no god, but it seems like the universe operates much in the same way as it would if there is no god.
I don't see the point. If there is a god and all that, then that's cool. But I'd rather not waste my time believing in something for which there is no reason to believe.
(This is something I'm actually very passionate about and I could talk all day about this subject, but I know I'll end up sounding like a dick. I can't help it. I do respect other people's decision to believe in something.)
I believe that when I die I will get eaten by other things and this makes me happy to know the things go round and round and round. Things eat thing which eat things that eat things. Life happens so dose death. I look forward to becoming apart of the soil again n.n