....but i've been doing alot of thinking lately and it seems that we're trying awfully hard to get people to stop hating the LGBT community. but at the same time, there's still alot of hate within the community itsself. like, gay people that hate flamboyant gay people, or gay people who hate trans people, or even transpeople that show alot of hate towards other trans people when they dont conform to trans stereotypes. i think maybe we would have a better chance of less hate from non LGBT people, if we all learned to stop hating people within the community.
i've really been paying attention to this lately. the list really goes on and on and it just depresses me.
how can we expect straight people to hate us less, if we're still hating eachother?
^That's not gonna happen, unfortunately. Sorry, it just isn't.
And I pretty much hate everybody.
Oppressed groups of people will oppress each other...
...absorbing the hatred directed toward them they turn it on themselves and each other...
...the solution is to make a choice to be part of the solution instead of the problem.
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Personally I just think its human nature people hate other people it's part of life unfortunately. With regard to LGBT I'd say there's no more hate between them than racism or all the other isms, ageism, fattism etc.
To be honest everyone has different views when thinking about LGBT; I personally don't see the need for the transgendered people to be grouped with lesbians, gays and bi's as I believe it's a totally different issue although others will disagree. I don't hate them by any means, but I just don't see the pointl I do know a lot of other gay guys who are quite resentful of this and don't want to be grouped with transgendered people, usually because they feel it stereotypes them as being a group who always 'have issues'. Sometimes it does make me think why? Why am I grouped with these other people? But then u have different formations of LGBT like LGBTQ etc and it's a bit exhausting to think about. It is what it is and I don't think about it.
I've been seeing much of the same thing. My trans friend lost all his lesbian friends because they felt betrayed, they refuse to switch pronouns and stop to talking to him that sort of thing. He got involved with the local LGBT center and people weren't understanding what a straight guy wanted to do with the center so he came out to them and was asked a bunch of questions, mainly the "what's between your legs?" question most people don't seem to realize is a really offensive and inappropiate question. It doesn't bother me but occassionaly it irks me. So he explained the appropiate ways to talk to a trans person and has been working on trying to blend the communities so that we really have every letter accounted for.
To be honest if I wasn't gay I don't think I'd have much interested being involved with LGBT community just because most acitivities focus on the LGB and not the T. But at least in my community there's effort of progress being made so I've got hope. But I've only got insight on what I'm experiencing and seeing.
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we are having a teen drag night at the center, (sept) we have a great transgender community that are members of the center also, guess due to my advanced age I support all "good" people who are loving and not vindictive, Jim
hey spencer, i'm a transman and i see your info says you are too, so maybe if you could talk to me sometime, that would be awesome. i dont really get to talk to alot of other trans people.