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Gay Agnostic in a Christian Family
In truth, I thought I was agnostic. Here's some information about me:
1. I used to be a Christian.
2. I don't deny or accept any existance of a God.
3. I just want to live my life, without too much thought on religion.
What would you describe me as?

i would describe you as someone who has a good idea of the person he is now and where you want to go in life and is builing up your own beliefs based on everything you have experienced so far in your 17 years - you must have confidence as you have already informed your mother you are gay knowing she is deeply christian and could be upset by this, - if you dont want to persue religion then simply dont,, im sure you can explain this if your mother persists .. if you tell her u have respect for here faith but right now its not for you then maybe she might not try so hard to push it on you - take care anyway

...a human being?

What does it matter? I used to be a Christian myself too until I found out all the theological thing is bs. There's no one that can give you convincing evidence whether there is or there isn't a God. For one, modern science is doing its job responsibly with new discoveries but we're clearly not at that point where we can say we know it all. Maybe one day, hopefully one day.

But in all fairness, I believe Church still serves a unique community function. It brings people together like nothing else really. Big Grin

In the mean time, if you wanna "win" an argument about whether God exists or not, I find it quite useful to show them these videos:

"Nova science Intelligent design on trial"
"nova science becoming human"
"nova science what darwin never knew"
"nova science where did we come from"

Don't think I can post links yet, so you can google these up yourself.

JisthenewK Wrote:In truth, I thought I was agnostic. Here's some information about me:
1. I used to be a Christian.
2. I don't deny or accept any existance of a God.
3. I just want to live my life, without too much thought on religion.
What would you describe me as?

True to yourself...with a touch of Agnost

I see no reason that you have to tell her you are agnostic.
She has already accepted you the way you are.

Do you really want her coming after you ?
Let it be .

I am now an atheist and proud of it! My brother knows too. He doesn't care and won't tell my mom. He thinks I'm overreacting though.

It's the priviledge of adolescence to 'overreact'... That's how we get our personalities. :biggrin:
I'd be worried if you didn't. Confusedmile:

@JisthenewK, I think that you could sit your mother down and tell her that how she lives her spirituality is very personal and that the same is true for you. She can't be in your heart, mind and brain any more than you can be in hers. Thank her for the good work she's done educating you in things religious, because it's given you a 'perspective' on life and maybe some good moral principles.
Mind you, non religious people can teach these principles to their kids just as well. It's called upbringing, and it's what's expected of any 'normal' parent.

Now that you are more grown up, tell her that you'll listen to her dutifully, or with sympathy but will still require making up your own mind. This is how you'll be able to tell her that, no, homosexuality is not wrong in your mind and heart and head, and that she'll have to get used to it, because that is how you are wired. And, no, God does not make mistakes, if she believes in His divine plan.

Don't try to annoy her or irritate her. Also remind her that loving one's children ought NOT to be conditional, but if that's the way it's going to be, then you'll have to be a little more distant so you can keep a levelled head.

Bravo on confronting her with this truth.
If she wants to continue praying for you, it's not going to harm you, is it? So let her do it. Thank her for her concern, that's basically all you can do. If it embarrasses you, ask her to, at least, do it in private.

Become a pagan. As a pagan I believe in one God who created the universe. I believe in science and the truth. My church is the entire planet and I feel at home on this planet. I worship and respect my planet and try not to waste resources. I avoid judging others lest I be judged by my own narrowmindedness.

Jesus is the perfect role model for a pagan. He loved others more than himself and was not afraid to be crucified. His mother, Mary, was a good pagan mom. I consider myself to be a generic Christian with no special denomination. I believe in God. Agnostics say they aren't sure but I have existed for 14 billion years. Every fluff of matter or energy referred to a John has been here since the Big Bang. I like hanging out in the universe.

I agree with your mom. I would try to convert you back to soe type of Christian belief system. Never allow some other asshole decide what your beliefs are. Believing nothing is boring and it is impossible for guys to have orgasms if they don't believe in themselves. God created orgasm and we should not hesitate to have one when appropriate. God gave you free will so use it. Figure out your own belief system and live by it. When you die, God will judge you by your beliefs not by some one else's.

Have fun, avoid doubt. Agnostics say "I don't know" and sound like assholes to talk to. People with a sense of humor have a weird collection of strange beliefs and pieces of wisdom. Bullshit your way through a conversation if it isn't going the way you like. If I were God, I would love a good bullshit artist. I doubt God would want to hang out with serious guys. Jesus hung out with 12 flaky guys who never workedfor a living.

A 16 year old boy should have some strange friends he can get close to. I sure did. Good luck!!!!!!!Wink

I think somehow, Gilhooly (John) is referring to the film Harold and Maud... to some extent... people with their own weird set of values, none of them hurtful to others.
[Image: MV5BMTk0MDM0NTgxOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDY1...4,317_.jpg]

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