Which one should i choose, my psicho test showed i am eighter a psichologist(jail or paranormal) or a manager(bar,hotel, jsut a little part in a company) :\. I am equal to both; mom said go to jail pshichology, criminology and blabla
you have to do what you like
might be the most stable employ, in a criminal setting, highly corrupt environment, you know you will not have much chance to do good
might consider lgbt counseling, tho limited number of clients since we are not the 10% we were told we are.
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Personally I don't believe in all these career test things, you have to do what u like and what u ink is the best fit. No answer from a test can come up with that.
I don't know how things work in your country but I can tell you that in the US, unless you get a graduate degree, psych jobs don't pay very well. If you like both equally, I would look into how much time you need to invest in schooling vs what the general field salary is.
you might wanna consider consider a hard skill field before entering management. Managers who do not understand their fields well can be a disaster for the company and their staffs.
I really can't see you as a psychologist either, especially not to those in jail. But maybe the paranormal kind (I assume that means parapsychology) could work.
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human services involves LOTS of paperwork/deskwork, less physical.
service work involves paperwork too (especially in management), but much more interaction with less mental stress but more physical work.
If you tend to be sedentary and "studious" you might do well collecting information from people, interpreting it in terms of behavioral health and documenting the process of helping people move from point A to point B in a process of mostly "talk" services.
If you tend to be more social and get bored without being involved in something, the outgoing nature of service work will suit you better.
The great news is that you can always go into service work even if you find you don't like the human services work. You won't get into "management" in any field without working your way there unless you just find the exception and perform well enough to pull it off.
I recommend you identify people working in the two areas and interview them. I think that if you can't pull this easy task off, you won't easily succeed academically or vocationally in either field.