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Kiss Me
I’m not sure I’m getting the point intended by the proposed kiss-in. If my wife and I went to a family restaurant in broad daylight and started extended times of kissing, I’m sure we’d be confronted and asked to either back it off or go find someplace private. I’ve asked Linda to help me check hypothesis out, but the outcome of the inquiry was, shall we say, less than positive.

And, I don’t really think I’m remotely unusual for saying I’d be really uncomfortable having an opposite-sex couple in the booth next to me making out when I’m trying to eat lunch. If I was sure they weren’t going to stop, I’d leave. Anybody else out there feel like this?

Also, remember, everyone assumes there will be families with children around. Would any parent want young children to eat in a place where they can watch monogamous married heterosexual couples making out around them? If the answer is no, then the gay thing is not the real issue, is it?

So, is the point of the upcoming kiss in to
(1) dramatically decrease customers by creating awkward circumstances (I suppose a kind of forced boycott) or;
(2) to dare anyone the Chick-fil-A to come out and ask people to back it down or go somewhere private? So, that's like saying, “We’re going to do things in public place with families around that we know we’d be asked to stop doing if we were an opposite-sex couple, but we just double dirty dog dare anyone to tell us to stop because we’re gay.”

Also, I've had reasonable people tell me the gay rights movement is not about lewd sexual behaviors and the advocates of gay rights are not trying to push for a society without sexual morays or restraints. There are people who insist gay rights will not undermine long term monogamous relationships and will not weaken stable family life for children. These people need to phone some of the other people and have a long conversation about this kiss-in idea.

Every kiss-in news video beamed into the homes is only going to confirm in the minds of many what voices on the anti-gay marriage movement have been saying all along.

Yes, the straights will not get it but, so what?

It is a form of protest and rightfully so.

The U.S. is stodgy and hypocritical about its social "norms". I am rather conservative myself about some things but I am disgusted by the typical American response to other people's concerns. They hate gay people, plain and simple and they expect everyone to re-enter the closet. Not happening.

Gay Rights is a CIVIL Rights issue.

For me...gay marriage is simply about equality under the law....not acceptance or approval. I dont' approve of alot of people but I believe in equality under the law for everyone and I know how to separate my emotions from my ethics.

Frankly...calling people to tell them what they should or should not' do or say because other people might view ALL of us in the same light is not the problem.

The real problem is people who form opinions on MILLIONS OF INDIVIDUALS based on a handful they have seen. We all do it to some extent but it doesn't make it right and I don't think we should pander to our lower nature.

I would not participate in the kiss in...I do not see the point...I would rather boycott their company.....I actually boycott ALL fast food places (aka Heart Attack Palaces or Fat Farms) because they serve us processed crap but that's another story for another time:biggrin:

The more I'm thinking about this whole chick-fil-a ordeal the more I have mixed feelings about it.
I still thing it's kinda gotten blown out of proportion. Chick-fil-a will not be the determining factor as to whether or not marriage equality is obtainable and I generally like to think of myself as not one of those people that expect everyone to accept my views but not their's buuuuut I'm now having issues "accepting" those who are opposed to marriage equality. I accept that they don't like it, that's fine, everyone is entitled their own opinion and even if my personal opinion is that there's is crazy I'm sure others feel the same about mine so it's all good.

It's not good however when one opinion rules over the other. To me it's not really about the differring of opinions but that those who are striking down marriage equality are being pro-oppression pro-inequality and I'm afraid that I think most san people would agree that that's just not okay. To me the people who are all supportive of chick-fil-a are basically saying, "We are bigots and we are proud! We do not believe that every human is equal! We don't believe everyone deserves freedoms!"

I don't have a problem with people not liking gay-marriage, they are entitled to their opinion what I DO have a problem with is when I am having my rights taken away because of another's opinion. Same-sex marriage doesn't force anyone who doesn't like it in to a same-sex marriage, so those who don't like it are literally not at all effected by it. But it's not like that the other way around.

So this whole chick-fil-a fiasco has made me realize that I actually cannot respect people for striking down same-sex marriage BECAUSE of my belief in equality and freedom for all and I think that is a general good moral mindset? I can't tell if I just had an epiphany or realized I'm a bad person.

But I guess more relevent I think the chick-fil-a appreciation day is...well stupid and unnecessary and I think the kiss in is lame too but I suppose it's an appropiate response to the appreciation day.

I really wish everyone would just chill out (on both sides) and live and let live. I might leave my house more often if people would be a bit....less crazy.

/ end rant.

I am sick to death of the whole fucking thing. I could care less what Mrs. Dan Cathy thinks OR says, infact, had it only been THINKING or TALKING I would still eat there bc it was one of the few fast food places we ever did eat. BUT, it wasn't just about the hate talk---- it was that he is donating TONS of money to organizations that are actively trying to re-criminalize homosexuality in the US. So, we don't eat there anymore.

As far as the "Kiss-In" goes, my partner and I don't even kiss in public or in front of our family (other than the occasional off to work peck). We won't be attending.

As an aside to the Original Poster of this thread: Did, when you created this account, happen to notice that this site is actually populated by prodominately European posters who may not even be aware of what you are blathering on about? Did you really just join this site to ask that question? To create some sort of upset? In your description it says "Mixed Group", if your really asking for a "Mixed Group" then ask your gay friends, that would prove much more informative to you than asking people who live in other countries.

Personally, I am sick to my stomach every time I go to any of the US blogs and hear anything about a fucking chicken sandwich!Xyxwave

Spencer, you are probably right to say that this Chick-Fil-A story has been blown out of proportion, had it only been a question of 'giving out an opinion' in the media... The real problem about Chick-Fil-A and its company is the extraordinary amount of money that has been given to forward their anti- equal rights campaign... And we all know that money is the nerve of war.... It wouldn't be so bad if it were just an individual's opinion. It could be poo pooed easily. What is less easy to strike back against is vast sums of money to turn the tables on an otherwise quite sensitive and sensible proposition to make everyone equal under the law.

Beaux Wrote:I am sick to death of the whole fucking thing. I could care less what Mrs. Dan Cathy thinks OR says, infact, had it only been THINKING or TALKING I would still eat there bc it was one of the few fast food places we ever did eat. BUT, it wasn't just about the hate talk---- it was that he is donating TONS of money to organizations that are actively trying to re-criminalize homosexuality in the US. So, we don't eat there anymore.

As far as the "Kiss-In" goes, my partner and I don't even kiss in public or in front of our family (other than the occasional off to work peck). We won't be attending.

As an aside to the Original Poster of this thread: Did, when you created this account, happen to notice that this site is actually populated by prodominately European posters who may not even be aware of what you are blathering on about? Did you really just join this site to ask that question? To create some sort of upset? In your description it says "Mixed Group", if your really asking for a "Mixed Group" then ask your gay friends, that would prove much more informative to you than asking people who live in other countries.

Personally, I am sick to my stomach every time I go to any of the US blogs and hear anything about a fucking chicken sandwich!Xyxwave

Beaux, you may be right about there being more Europeans on this forum than Americans, although at present I doubt it. Anyway, we keep ourselves informed.
Yes, to us this corporation thing that does not endorse normal human rights is silly and shocking but not unheard of. In France where state and church have been well separated since the revolution of 1789, the (Catholic) church has tried to regain its lost position of power several times but seems to have lost most of it (the power has shifted to Rome and the Vatican). Now we have a stronger minority of Muslims who might want their religious 'rights' given more consideration. I think, as a nation, we'd prefer all religions to stay in the private sphere and not influence the state more than democracy.

Because American politics works a lot on the principle of lobbying, it is important that the lobbies should not be given too much power from money. I mean, this could even extend to corruption, otherwise... See my point?

I think the countries where people are the happiest are the ones where fairness has been made part of the usual fabric of its people and society. America, alas, has still a long way to go (and I'm not saying we don't too, but we EXPECT America to lead the way better).

princealbertofb Wrote:Beaux, you may be right about there being more Europeans on this forum than Americans, although at present I doubt it. Anyway, we keep ourselves informed.
Yes, to us this corporation thing that does not endorse normal human rights is silly and shocking but not unheard of. In France where state and church have been well separated since the revolution of 1789, the (Catholic) church has tried to regain its lost position of power several times but seems to have lost most of it (the power has shifted to Rome and the Vatican). Now we have a stronger minority of Muslims who might want their religious 'rights' given more consideration. I think, as a nation, we'd prefer all religions to stay in the private sphere and not influence the state more than democracy.

Because American politics works a lot on the principle of lobbying, it is important that the lobbies should not be given too much power from money. I mean, this could even extend to corruption, otherwise... See my point?

I think the countries where people are the happiest are the ones where fairness has been made part of the usual fabric of its people and society. America, alas, has still a long way to go (and I'm not saying we don't too, but we EXPECT America to lead the way better).

I hope that you, nor anyone else, mistook the intended message of my post. I belong to 12 other gay blogs, every other blog I belong to has had numerous one time posters flame the message boards with Chick Fil A threads. I am honestly sick of it. I live in South Carolina, which I assure isn't very far form North Carolina (arguably the most homophobic state in the Union). Since this controversy started, the Chick Fil A here on the island I live on has become embroiled in this nonsense, and the "Kiss In" being planned isn't goin to make things better for the local gay community.

You will notice that the original poster of the thread hasn't bothered to continue posting, he just wanted to start shit here on our forum.
I am ashamed to say that I guess I helped him accomplish his goal with my post.

I certainly did not mean to imply that the European community was ignorant about the situation, the facts of bigotry, the need for equality, or anything else.

I apologize to anyone who may have taken offense to anything I have said......Except to the OP.

Beaux...iIthink you are absolutely correct about the OP...I thought the same thing.
I know they are commonly called trolls but I know from being on alot of political boards that there are shills who are PAID to go to message boards to drive home talking points...they are easy to recognize after awhile....the OP and the original message is full of talking points.
If anyone is missing the absurdity...

Can you imagine when women were marching for equal rights someone suggesting to one women to "call her friends' to talk them out of upsetting the good and kind folks who TRULY BELIEVE they are second class citizens....PUH-LEEESE.

They are trying to show us that their bigotry is simply free speech and a belief that should be "respected".

East Wrote:Beaux...iIthink you are absolutely correct about the OP...I thought the same thing.
I know they are commonly called trolls but I know from being on alot of political boards that there are shills who are PAID to go to message boards to drive home talking points...they are easy to recognize after awhile....the OP and the original message is full of talking points.
If anyone is missing the absurdity...

Can you imagine when women were marching for equal rights someone suggesting to one women to "call her friends' to talk them out of upsetting the good and kind folks who TRULY BELIEVE they are second class citizens....PUH-LEEESE.

They are trying to show us that their bigotry is simply free speech and a belief that should be "respected".

I need Andy to give me the possibility of a double "thank you" button. :biggrin:

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