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I Had a couple of mates when I was a kid, names were Dane and John, and the nicknames for each other were Danus and Vajohna

dfiant Wrote:Danus and Vajohna

AHAHAHAHA omg, those are great lmao

now nicknames are you referring to in work or outside???

Well in work its usually from the public something with either a C B OR A. In work from my collegues because i dont do kind im ruthless im known as trouble... Outside of work my ex calls me dickhead and my family just abbreviate my name... I dont mind to be honest what im called ill answer to anything :O

zeon Wrote:now nicknames are you referring to in work or outside???

Well in work its usually from the public something with either a C B OR A. In work from my collegues because i dont do kind im ruthless im known as trouble... Outside of work my ex calls me dickhead and my family just abbreviate my name... I dont mind to be honest what im called ill answer to anything :O

How about sexy chops hahahahahahahahaha

I was called "Pix" as a child by my granny. No one else really called me that, however (at least not more than a couple of times). (ETA: I was Becky Jane but Granny said I was so full of laughter & silliness and got along with animals so well and always getting into things that she took to calling me "Pixie Jane" instead of "Becky Jane" which was quickly shortened to "Pix.")

I'll spare you the nickname I had among some of the more dishonorable Christians bearing false witness against me when I was 13-4 and repeated by a couple of especially juvenile adults who probably considered Beavis & Butt-head role models (after I was an adult myself).

I was Thrash to a krew of runaway kids because I got around on a skateboard. That was a very unusual street name for a girl which turned out to become a problem later when a psycho cop took to (illegally) stalking me (there were a couple of guys or so who went by that but I was the only girl I ever heard of with that name so his asking--sometimes violently--for a girl named Thrash became very uncomfortable for me really fast and what chased me back home before he inevitably caught up with me).

As an adult I got dubbed "Dervish" for my once frequent dancing that I said I used to achieve mystical states, though it was short lived. Like a month after 9/11 happened and friends were scared that some people would mistake my name as sympathizing with the Taliban (probably so, one American a few miles from me was so ignorant he shot a Hindu from either Pakistan or India as a turban wearing Muslim in revenge for 9/11 and the sick irony was that the Hindu had come to America fleeing Muslims who destroyed his business and tried killing him in his country of origin). I liked the name at the time and regretted that they wouldn't call me that anymore.

I got dubbed "Token" in my Discordian cabal for being the only white girl (of our all girl group). Our inspiring leader was originally "Mistress Anarky" (intended as irony on multiple levels) but we found that name bulky and took to calling her Vee for her violet hair. After our cabal disbanded (and Vee became a Taoist and I an agnostic) she and I became BFFs and I still call her Vee to this day (she only keeps a small streak of violet in her hair now, the rest is her natural color) and she's taken to calling me Bee (B for Becky, my first name, though interesting enough some think B stands for "blonde" since Vee got her name for her violet hair). These days I only get called "Bee" and typically only by Vee, though Granny did call me "Pix" again a few times when I visited her last summer.

I've been called wheels (I'm handicapped) Maestro(For my obsessive love of music) And pickle by my sister-in-law.:confused: Have no idea about that last one.


I get called cat a lot. my brothers kids call me feefee.

Lets see, my sister calls me Mortisha lol.

I got called pumpkin from my dad , Strawberry shortcake from my mum.

The Boys friends always refer to me as Mrs M.
Jay the eldest had the nickname feral for a while, Jess has always been angel.
And the husband unit is called Rhett.

hmmm i got "mizda" "mula" "mimi" "grim"

Music Nerd - From my Music friends
Bach - Due to my obsessive love of Bach & his Music
Queenie - By most of you guys :p lol
Odi - Pretty much everyone calls me this, as it's a short version of my already short name
Tippy - Which is supposed to mean "Grandson" in Italian and my Grandmother is Pippy, which is supposed to mean Grandma/mother. Only two people call me that now.
Bitch - By my meanie friends Cry lol. Affectionately of course...
Sampson - My hair was really long, and came about from the story of Sampson & Delilah Rolleyes
Fabio - Same reason as above, but for a slightly different reason, obviously lol
Delilah - By my straight guy friend... I don't know why, but it's cute <3
GurlDazzler1 - My gal pals usually call me this... Some people have a sassy black friend... well I have a few Rolleyes lol.

And my favourite Smile

Oblivious Odi - Due to the fact that, appearantly, I'm quite oblivious to things that go on around me, and unless I'm focussed, I tend to walk past people/things, which I personally believe is untrue... majority of the time Biglaugh .

I've been called alot of things...

I call my youngest sister Girly-Pants, which I honestly have no clue where that came from or what it's even supposed to mean... lol. It just stuck and I don't even know when I started saying it.

I call my brother[the one just under me in age] "She-She", cause his name begins with those letters Biglaugh

My other siblings various versions of their names.

I call my Mom Mommie <3 lol.

I call my nana Bernice, even though that's not her real name, but rather a different take on it :p .

I call my nana's husband [who's Irish :p] Michelle, but his name is Michael :biggrin: .

I call my uncle, Unkie <3. Have since I was young.

I call Sora, my Turtle, Sorice sometimes... not sure why. Sora Aoi, is her full name. I also sometimes call her Chunky Muffin, cause she's developed some Muffin Tops! <3 and she's so cute [but now she's gotta excercise more lol].

I call my Viola, Albertha [though not technically a person, but I love her Wink lol].

I generally make up nicknames for everyone, but if I don't it usually means I don't like the person, or I really can't think of a nickname for them :biggrin: .

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