Well, sex isn't just a nighttime, sleepover thing. :tongue:
Do both of your parents work during the day? Do his? It's summertime and I'm assuming you're hanging out together somewhere.
You both sound responsible and smart. I'm really glad you both got tested.
Whip cream and strawberries? Chocolate syrup?

Make sure you know how to use the washer and dryer.
I can relate to not wanting to complicate things. For me it was my grades and not wanting to let someone mess with my mind as I'm on an academic scholarship and I'm emotional. We had a similar deal of not rushing the other. We just dated for quite a while, worked on our friendship, and took things very slow.
Not sure if you guys exercise/play sports together. We do. Had a lot of fun and still do with massages and showers. (Note: most massage oils are not condom friendly.) We really got to know each other's body.
Have you just been making out or have you been experimenting with sword fighting (
frot, frictation or frottage), or hotdogging (intergluteal sex)?
We both have a playful attitude toward our sex life. IDK, we laughed our way through our first time and held each other after.

mile: I guess, just don't make it where your expectations overshadow the fun or you make a certain date, "the night" and it doesn't live up to your fantasy. Try and learn each other and let things happen naturally.
Have fun!