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Started as a debate on gay vs Christians but turned into some completely disturbing
Today I posted on a thread about Chick-fil-a & all the heated debate about Christians vs gays, you know the usual discussions we have all probably had. During the thread there was a gentleman (and I use the word loosely) chimed in. Below is the discussion we had (which by the way, changed into a completely different topic) Be prepared for what you are about to read, some of it may come as a shock and may not be suited for younger audiences. I would like to get your perspective on what is said. Oh, BTW, I am Shane Jenkins & his name is Cornelius Wilkes. I tell you this so you will know which of the 2 are me. In the beginning, the discussion will seem a bit dull & perhaps going nowhere, but I PROMISE you that if you take the time to read the whole thing, it gets REALLY, REALLY interesting. There are comments that will make you almost pee your pants laughing so hard then before you know it, something will be said that will infuriate you more than you have ever been in your life.

[COLOR="Blue"] Cornelius Wilkes My friends, we have all been "had" in this. The gay community and the Christian community is seeking pawns, and we are all so willing to move by their hands. Only through the paw of the lamb can we achieve the might of the lion. I am going to organize an event at one of the local Chik Fila's focused on having what I'd like to think is a "gay day." a day where the entire gay community descends upon a local chik fila branch for a lunch and learn. When I have completed my presentation, I can assure you that everyone is going to leave the restaurant with an entirely new outlook. I would encourage all of you to be there once I organize it.

Shane Jenkins I personally am not in support of the CEO & his views, but organizing a "gay day" at one of the restaurants will not change his views on anything, he may never even hear of it. Not to mention that MANY of the employees who work at these restaurants are also NOT in support of him, they believe in equal rights for everyone. They only work there because that is the only job they could find & it is paying their bills & supporting their families. You are not punishing him for his beliefs, you are punishing the thousands of employees who need the work because there are no other options for them, they need the work to support themselves & their families. You are punishing people who have the same beliefs & respect for equality that we all seem to believe in. Now I am not say that we all need to get out there & start eating there as often as we can, but what I am saying is that if you believe strongly enough against the CEO's beliefs then you need to take it up directly with him & not those unfortunate people who depend on the restaurants for their livelihood.

Cornelius Wilkes Shane, your remarks make me feel like you would probably benefit more from the event I plan to organize than even the most promiscuous members of the gay community. My event is going to be about tearing down walls, about healing, about exposing the people to the REAL TRUTH about both the gay agenda AND the Christian agenda, and how at the end of the day, they are two sides of the same coin. I strongly encourage you to be there Shane, you and your friends and family. I assure you, you will leave there a better man for the experience.

Shane Jenkins Cornelious, I appreciate the offer, but I have no intentions of attending such an event. People on both sides of the issue believe VERY passionately in their cause, when someone is so devoted to their beliefs such as the people in this particular issue are, there is very little that can be done to reach them, to get them to see through the eyes of someone else, even if just for a moment. I applaud your efforts but this is neither the right time nor is Chick-Fil-A the right place to have such an event. I believe that you believe you can change hearts & minds, but evidence has shown me that it takes more than a few carefully chosen words to change the heart & minds of people who feel as passionately as people do on both sides of this argument

Cornelius Wilkes Shane, with all due respect, I don't think you fully understand this situation. Shane, I have a 'Gift." I intend to use that gift to promote my agenda, just as the gay man wishes to promote his, and the Christian wishes to promote theirs. The difference is, when I have invoked my gift, there won't be any festive homosexual encounters in darkened alleys or splendid halls...nor will there be people speaking in tongues and catching the holy ghost while traversing from pew to pulpit....no Shane, when I use my gift, ALL will stand and realize that what I have come to do here, is far more important than either of their agendas, and in that revelation, that incandescent epiphany if you will, the defiantly flamboyant and promiscuous to a fault gay man, and I mean the gay man as an institution Shane, the self righteous bible thumping Christian, and YOU Shane, will come to know our true purpose here. I do hope you plan to attend once I get it all organized.

Shane Jenkins Again, I believe that you believe you can make a difference and I believe that you believe you have a gift, but I personally do not believe in your "gift". So, again, I appreciate your offer but I have no intentions what so ever of attending any such event, now or ever.

Cornelius Wilkes Brother Shane, please, before you allow your hubris to cheat not only you, but all of WNC out of an opportunity at healing, turn your heart towards a gifting hand and look to that hand for guidance. "In that which he hath wrought, there shall ever be a more benevolent rain than that of the prayer of open hand and heart"-7:12 Seeking Him* You say that you appreciate my offer, but appreciation would be you Shane, sitting in Chik Fila, surrounded by gentlemen who believe that their life's work is to love upon each other without apology. Appreciation Shane, would be bringing your own Bible down to the restaurant and putting it in the hand of a fire and brimstone young Christian woman and holding that hand and that book tightly, encouraging them to listen to what I have to say. Appreciation Shane, would be you, abandoning what you have chosen to believe about the world around you, and allowing me to let the true world around you 'Choose You" Shane. There is a difference though Shane. I can't force you. I can't MAKE you come to Chik Fila and sit with the gay and the saved. Shane, I'm starting to believe that this is not really about you not believing in my gift, but more about you using that as an excuse to mask both your own homophobia and religious intolerance. Shane, we have to learn to live with each other, and part of that is learning how to respect one another. Respect is more than just a few hollow words here and there, and putting a 5 dollar bill or two in the collection plate on Sunday morning...it is about a state of action Shane. I'm going to ask you again to come to this event, and to bring others that also are in need of guidance. There are not many opportunities we have in this life to do something that really means something, but Shane, one is staring you in the face right now. What kind of man would turn away from that? The healing that needs to take place can only begin when each of us Shane, Each of us, takes a level of personal accountability for bringing it about. Also Shane, if it is not too much to ask, I would prefer you address me as "Elder Wilkes." Thank you my friend.

Shane Jenkins @Cornelius, apparently being polite is not something you take to very well, so let me just come right out & say exactly what I mean. I have no intentions of attending any event that you are a part of, not now nor ever. I do not care where you hold this event, if you are a part of it, then I want nothing to do with it. To be perfectly honest with you, I find you quite disturbing, in the same way David Koresh was disturbing, you come across as an obsessive cult leader of some kind of new religion. I am neither looking nor wanting a new religion. I am neither homophobic nor intolerant of religion. Accept my rejection of your invitation with grace & just carry on. Asheville is full of people who are spiritually lost & looking for a religion that works for them, I am not one of those people.

Cornelius Wilkes Shane I just had my wife read your response to me and she is as taken aback as I am. At first, she told me to insist that you come to the event I am holding, and to call you out by name, and force you to exercise your personal demons in full view of everyone, the gay, the saved, and the hapless onlooker. Initially I was inclined to agree with her, and I had already made plans to do just that, but then I started thinking. Thinking about what my life's work is really about...about how hard I have worked to use my gift to help, as opposed to harm...to give, as opposed to take from people like you Shane. It is after that thoughtful contemplation, that I think it would be best that you not attend the any of the summits I am planning at Chik Fila. Further, and please don't be offended by this, but if I see you in attendance, or word somehow gets back to me that you are there unbeknownst to me, I am more likely than not going to have Deacon Patterson or one of the ushers ask you to leave. I say this to you not to exacerbate any manner of conflict, but to convey to you just how important it is that these events take place, without incident. The environment is already going to be very tense. Just the thought of a room full of promiscuous homosexuals, hungry to both recruit and convert the unwitting into their web of social complexities, coupled with angry Christians, is enough to make me realize that what I need from you Shane is support...not questions, arrogance, presumptuousness, or the attitude of seeming intolerance that you have shown me thus far. My wife does believe that you have a good heart, and I am inclined to agree with her. If you should find a way to control your emotions, and come to the event ready to receive, not undo or challenge my gift, then we would both welcome you; but as things stand now, I am asking you not to be there. I pray you understand Shane. Be Blessed. Also Shane, if it is not too much to ask, I would prefer you address me as "Elder Wilkes." Thank you my friend.

Shane Jenkins ‎@Cornelious, As I have stated several times already, I have absolutely no, let me makes this as clear as I can. 100% zero, never going to happen on this earth, none what so ever, interest in attending anything that you are a part of, there are not enough words in the English language that could covey my unwillingness to attend. After reading your last post, I am now convinced more than ever that you are some form of cult leader. Also by your last post I also see very clearly that you have absolutely no clue what so ever about gay people and I doubt very seriously you have ever actually met a real gay person. You stated " a room full of promiscuous homosexuals, hungry to both recruit and convert the unwitting into their web of social complexities". I can guarantee you that homosexuals have no interest in recruiting or converting anyone, also the fact that you seem to be implying that all homosexuals are promiscuous is insulting to say the least. I personally have known more heterosexual Christians who were more promiscuous than any homosexual I have ever met. I feel for your followers, to have such a narrow minded individual who is arrogant enough to think he has the whole world figured out, that he can post on a public forum such absurd remarks about people he does not even know.

Cornelius Wilkes Shane, I took more than an hour during our morning praise pause this morning to truly think about what you have said to me. I even consulted Elder Finch and several of my closest associates, and we have all come to the same conclusion. We think it best that you attend the events that we are sponsoring at Chik Fila. I also am going to recommend that you join our prayer line no later than the end of the week. We usually do a 30 minute phone call, generally between 8am and 8:30. I believe this will also be very beneficial to you. As for your refusal to address me as Elder Wilkes, so be it. I'm not going to force you to do something you are uncomfortable with. In the end, it is of very little importance what you address me as, so long as you receive the message. To address your other points, I am no cult leader. A cult has little purpose but to serve the misguided dream of its primary architect. What I am here to do Shane, is not about Elder Cornelius Wilkes. What I am here to do is about Shane Jenkins, and Tina Newman, and Robin Simmons Bauguess, and Iris Lewars....it is about the promiscuous gay man and all of his past and present partners...it is about the angry Christian, gazing in disgust at his gay bretheren and casting prayers to the sky for intervention if not dissipation of these people....it is for the defiant Atheist, prancing about the immoral streets espousing their arrogant prose that they may see the both the name and yote of all Deities silenced....and most importantly Shane, it is about our children, who if left unto themselves to navigate this world with only us as their guides...well Shane, I fear we would all be on the cusp of extinction. Shane, you accuse me of knowing nothing about the gay community, and you assert that they are not promiscuous. Shane, have you ever attended Lilith Fair? Have you ever gone to "Black Gay Pride" weekend in San Francisco or Atlanta? Have you ever even been to a gay club? I told you before Shane, a man is not qualified to speak on a people until he has walked among them. Well Shane, I have attended Black gay Pride, and masqueraded as a willing participant. I have lounged upon a beach towel on the sweat and pheromone filled fair grounds as the Indigo Girls took the stage at Lilith Fair...and even as recent as this past week, I have mingled among the homosexuals as the protested Chik Fila with their blatant displays of lustful fawning. With all due respect Shane, what have you done in the gay community? Well I already know the answer Shane, as do you, as do all of us here. You have never walked hand in hand with a man Shane. You have never lived in his quarters, shared his personal space, inhaled his musk, or even so much as attempted to facilitate such things, for others, nor for yourself. As part of our outreach program one year ago, I had Elder Finch actively infiltrate many gay organizations, community centers, clubs, and other institutions for one reason and one reason alone Shane...and that was to probe, profile, and understand the gay man as we know him to be. You would be startled to know, that at the conclusion of Elder Finch's endeavors, we discovered what we knew all along about homosexuality in America, in that it is simply a means to an end, a proposition to a society that has left an entire segment of people unaddressed, and often times, simply a plea for something from us that we have not yet given their community. Shane, I want so badly to continue, but I don't have the time here and now to get into all of this, but when you attend the events at Chik Fila, I promise you I will make all of this very clear to you. I hope this has been helpful. Be Blessed.


At this point he jumped into another post to make this random comment. I followed & had to respond to his claims. Trust me when I say, this is the point where things REALLY start to get interesting.

[COLOR="blue"]Cornelius Wilkes Just as I was born with a Gift, so too was the gay man, as an institution. For me, my gift is apparent, for the gay man, his gift is to see in man what others see in woman. However, it is my choice whether to use or act upon this gift, or to seek my worth in other endeavors...and so too must the gay man, as an institution. Thus what we do with our lives and our loins is always as Choice, not a predetermined outcome of our very existence. When all of us are to meet our maker at the end of our lives, how will you be defined? Will you be defined in this life and the next by what your believed in, your humanity, your ethnicity, or will you simply be defined by who you chose to make love to? That is the question each and every gay gentleman must ask himself, and to me the answer seems quite clear...sadly.

Shane Jenkins ‎@Cornelius. "That is the question each and every gay gentleman must ask himself"... So only men can be gay?[/COLOR]

There is more to this conversation, BELIEVE me when I say what you have read so far is NOTHING in comparison to what he is about to say next

Much as I like to read in these forums, that's ONE LONG post, Shane... thanks for sharing. I'll see if I can muster the courage, and interest to read the whole of it.

This Cornelius does not understand that what is not broken does not need to be fixed. Gay people are not sick, they don't need healing.... But I think a lot of religious fundamentalists needs their heads seen to. :biggrin:

... and maybe their mouths washed out with soap???

oh man tl&dr

but I promise I'll save it and read it later :tongue:

In Dog we Trust Smile

My analysis....

Cornelius is a crazy m*therf*cker :biggrin:

He so readily defines and acknowledges demons in others yet is blind to his own....his "real truth about the gay agenda" is particularly a hoot

PS...I think he thinks he is Jesus Christ..shhhhh! Wink ...that is never a good thing:biggrin:

dfiant Wrote:In Dog we Trust Smile
or in Doggy Style we thrust...Lol2

East Wrote:My analysis....

Cornelius is a crazy m*therf*cker :biggrin:

He so readily defines and acknowledges demons in others yet is blind to his own....his "real truth about the gay agenda" is particularly a hoot

PS...I think he thinks he is Jesus Christ..shhhhh! Wink ...that is never a good thing:biggrin:

Goodness, East, you actually had the courage to read it all???? I gave up. Only skimmed it (which is not fair to be impartial, but, the post is too long.)

I pick up this for starters:
Cornelius Wilkes Shane, with all due respect, I don't think you fully understand this situation. Shane, I have a 'Gift." I intend to use that gift to promote my agenda, just as the gay man wishes to promote his, and the Christian wishes to promote theirs.
I read that this man is going to use whatever 'gift' he has to promote HIS agenda, obviously not even God's or Jesus's... Not a good sign. He's so full of himself. Another nutter.

Listen to him, the gay man as an institution.... what on earth does that phrase mean....? No one every instituted the gay man... That man uses language poorly.

I would also be very distrustful of anyone who had to 'infiltrate' certain gay communities to 'understand' how they operate... hmmmm, rather distasteful or maybe they have an unhealthy curiosity about this.

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