Hey, trying this site out, not sure how long I'll be here, but we'll see. I'm 20, studying political science at Louisiana State University. Pretty much not out. I love sports and guys. Pretty masculine. Not sure what else to say. Open to questions so let me know.
Posts: 1,296
Threads: 77
Joined: Jun 2009
I'm a : Single Gay Man
Hi Tiger, welcome to gs, poly sci huh, reminds me of my berkley days, James
hello m8 ... no idea idea about political scicece but welcome to gs ,,, hope u stay but thats your call ,,, just a friendly site with no porn which make a change ,, what sports are u into ? i wanted to guess your sports or norrow it down but the usa is starting to accept othere sports these days, like soccer as u call it ove r there,,,hope ur well anyway
welcome to the site. I hope you stay. its a really good forum.